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frequency curve Meaning in Bengali


frequency curve's Usage Examples:

and includes the city of Paris Intensity-duration-frequency curve, intensity-duration-frequency curve for rainfall Intel Developer Forum, a gathering of.

An intensity-duration-frequency curve (IDF curve) is a mathematical function that relates the rainfall intensity with its duration and frequency of occurrence.

constant gradient at frequencies well away from the cut-off point of the frequency curve.

Thus the frequency curve of a given burst takes the form of a parabola, hence the name "parabolic.

Researchers define it as a whistle with a unique frequency curve that dominates in the repertoire of a dolphin.

expressed mathematically by the standard deviation of the grain-size frequency curve of a sediment sample, expressed as values of φ (phi).

frequency curve above.

laws of errors, with an application to the problem of dissecting a frequency curve into components".

amplify predominantly the optical frequency at the peak of the gain-frequency curve.

oscillation changes the frequency of the faster oscillation so that the frequency curve of the burst pattern resembles a parabola.

information that allowed the receiver to compute location was a unique frequency curve caused by the Doppler effect.

f(d_{p})} is the frequency function Therefore, the area under the frequency curve between two sizes a and b represents the total fraction of the particles.

Atmospheric river Intensity-duration-frequency curve Precipitation types Rain dust Rain sensor Rain water harvesting Rainbow.

frequency curve.

frequency range on delivery with many years of use in mind: when new, the frequency curve went upwards a few dB at 15–20 kHz, aiming for flat response after.

(1941), "Sur un nouveau type de courbe de fréquence" [On a new type of frequency curve], Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences.

The result, a much smoother frequency curve extended the lifetime for this popular and very cheap type.


audio; rate; attendance; oftenness; counts/minute; infrared frequency; count per minute; radio frequency; infrared; frequence; audio frequency; sampling frequency; wave number;


nonattendance; absence; visible; ordinal; unimportant;

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