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and add to it without needing direct attention and without distracting from what they illustrate.

According to legend, Lagertha was a Viking shield-maiden and ruler from what is now Norway, and the onetime wife of the famous Viking Ragnar Lodbrok.

the last 4,500 years by Arctic peoples whose forebears migrated there from what is now Canada.

Characters' intentions are set up in a series of scenes significantly different from what the audience might ordinarily encounter in daily life.

Western academia as Ruthenian (14th to 17th centuries), in turn descended from what is referred to in modern linguistics as Old East Slavic (10th to 13th.

one of the four branches of Italian Armed Forces and was formed in 1946 from what remained of the Regia Marina (Royal Navy) after World War II.

What happened to the steam inside the cylinder was assessed separately from what happened in the boiler and how much friction the moving machinery had.

freshly-pressed orange juice in the back of a suburban one-family home) and from what we shall obstain (communism, in a snapshot: lifeless crowds of men and.

with the migration of people by land bridges and short sea-crossings from what is now Southeast Asia.

With his partner from what proved to be a false-start at Havelock, David Curle, who left the partnership.

conventionally said to have been founded in 1526 by Babur, a warrior chieftain from what is now modern-day Uzbekistan, who employed aid from the neighbouring Safavid.

Revolution, the colony of New Brunswick was officially created, separating it from what is now Nova Scotia.

Jharkhand suffers from what is sometimes termed a resource curse: it accounts for more than 40% of.

Suffering from what would today be described as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Murphy.

common sea-going ichthyosaur from what is now Europe and North America Liopleurodon, a medium-sized sea-going pliosaur from what is now Europe Perisphinctes.

existence in 1984 for men's hockey when most of its current members split from what is today known as ECAC Hockey, after disagreements with the Ivy League.

generally used to refer to a local language or dialect, as distinct from what is seen as a standard language.

It condemns later caliphates and the Ottoman Empire for deviating from what it calls pure Islam and seeks to revive the original Qutbist project of.

early 1960s, the government has continuously created irrigated farmland from what was previously arid desert, further reducing competition for arable land.

2) Although Vedic religion is very different in many regards from what is known as Classical Hinduism, the seeds are there.


candid; plainspoken; outspoken; forthright; direct; frank; point-blank; blunt; free-spoken;


indirect; disingenuous; studied; rhetorical; uncommunicative;

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