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fruitlessness Meaning in Bengali

fruitlessness's Usage Examples:

originally meant not obsession by one's appearance, but the ultimate fruitlessness of humankind's efforts in this world, the phrase summarizes the complete.

task is to study the character of Bala and he should also perceive the fruitlessness of treacherous money.

that British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin's pre-war thinking on the fruitlessness of air defense was mostly correct: "The bomber will always get through.

50 lakhs but perceiving the fruitlessness of treacherous money he shares the amount with the family which culminates.

gave the film a positive review that "The film not only explores the fruitlessness of trying to stabilize shorelines that nature prefers to keep in flux.

visit to Paris, and describes the hardships of the students and the fruitlessness of their studies; he afterwards arrives at the hill of Presumption,.

wrote that: "For the Forest Skink, the trajectory of decline and the fruitlessness of dedicated searches provide reasonable grounds to presume extinction.

Eventually, as the wolf complains of the fruitlessness of their quest, they arrive at a draw-well with buckets on each end.

) Reading the book made Gole realise the fruitlessness of violence, falsity, crime and hatred.

The fruitlessness of the searches does not alter the fact that the victims were disillusioned.

referred not to an obsession with one's appearance, but to the ultimate fruitlessness of man's efforts in this world, the phrase summarizes the complete preoccupation.

Convinced at last what was fruitlessness of his company, General Ramos decided to order a withdrawal, which took.

saying later that the work and its installation in the gallery in "fruitlessness and purity and compatibility to the works of art eclipses anything that.

of Nietzsche's Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen), a protest against the fruitlessness of brooding repentance.

" Robbie Collin of The Daily Telegraph wrote that there's a "tiring fruitlessness to the mayhem", describing the lead character as a "rambling headcase".

Songlian, already in agony due to the fruitlessness of her life, witnesses the entire episode and is emotionally traumatized.

spectators to confront the frustrations of ordinary life as well as the fruitlessness of Pippin's attempt at revolution.

greatest trial was neither starvation nor physical sufferings, but the fruitlessness of the soil he had to cultivate.

The episode demonstrated to both Scotland and England the fruitlessness of their struggles.

writers have promulgated concerning their own narrative of denouncing the fruitlessness of the Middle Ages.


aridity; poorness; quality; barrenness; unproductiveness;


unpleasantness; rightness; fertility; productiveness; fruitfulness;

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