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fullest Meaning in Bengali

 সম্পূর্ণ, পূর্ণ, পরিপূর্ণ, প্রচুর, গোটা, সমগ্র, মোট, নিখুঁত, প্রগাঢ়, যথাসাধ্য, চরম, পরম, দীর্ঘতম, স্ফীত, উদ্গত, এক, সমাকীর্ণ, একগঙ্গা, খাড়া, পুরাপুরি, ভর, আদত, ভরাট, পাকা,


মোট, গোটা, পাকা, ভরাট, আদত, ভর, পুরাপুরি, খাড়া, একগঙ্গা, সমাকীর্ণ, এক, উদ্গত, স্ফীত, দীর্ঘতম, পরম, চরম, যথাসাধ্য, প্রগাঢ়, নিখুঁত, সমগ্র, প্রচুর, পরিপূর্ণ, পূর্ণ, সম্পূর্ণ,

fullest's Usage Examples:

art of speaking so that each word is clearly heard and understood to its fullest complexity and extremity, and concerns pronunciation and tone, rather than.

In its fullest form, it concerns the Fisher King (King Pellehan or Anfortas), the guardian.

IRP's fundamental principle is to promote and encourage the fullest possible use of the highway system.

” provided that, the exercise of which “shall be decentralized to the fullest extent feasible.

the Latin carpe diem ('seize the day'), it is a call to live life to its fullest extent, even embracing behavior which carries inherent risk.

regardless of health, to have opportunities to participate in life to the fullest.

their hearts, and who come to know the Divine Names and Attributes to the fullest of their individual capacities, the veils in front of the purely spiritual.

In its fullest extent it would constitute portions of land in the Pilbara, Mid West, and.

It is a type of museum that recreates to the fullest extent conditions of a culture, natural environment or historical period.

"Island-flavored", "feel-good track" about enjoying life and living life to the fullest.

The song's lyrics center on experiencing life to its fullest, while also becoming a better person.

The fullest exposition of their theory appeared in their book Genes, Mind, and Culture:.

the United States will be deemed to be in a common pool, about which the fullest information will be interchanged.

It is considered the fullest and most detailed source for modern knowledge of Norse mythology, the body.

A bustline is an arbitrary line encircling the fullest part of the bust or body circumference at the bust.

attack upon Tiger Town, Chong Yingbiao would defend the capital at his fullest potential.

constituted the main population of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which at its fullest extent was called the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Ruthenia and Samogitia.

frescoed church walls and series of old master prints have many of the fullest cycles, but panel painting, stained glass, illuminated manuscripts, tapestries.


gas-filled; afloat; fraught; cram full; laden; weighed down; chockablock; inundated; chockful; glutted; sperm-filled; overloaded; choke-full; pregnant; awash; untasted; instinct; overladen; brimful; fullness; congested; brimming; well-lined; air-filled; stuffed; ladened; flooded; heavy; replete; egg-filled; brimfull; untouched; loaded; filled; riddled; overfull; chock-full; engorged; overflowing; chuck-full;


nonpregnant; effortless; light; empty; emptiness;

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