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funeral expenses Meaning in Bengali


funeral expenses's Usage Examples:

Sophia" when he objected to their plan to economise on Theodotus' funeral expenses.

Shaquille O'Neal, who admired Mikan so much that he offered to pay for his funeral expenses, learned the drill from his coach Dale Brown, when O'Neal played college.

for acute, chronic and preventive medical and dental care as well as funeral expenses.

restricted competition from outsiders; and they collected for charity and funeral expenses.

constituted for the purpose of providing by voluntary subscriptions for the funeral expenses of the husband, wife or child of a member, or of the widow of a deceased.

He was so destitute when he died in Montreal that his funeral expenses had to be defrayed by his friends.

Other expenses, such as funeral expenses, can also be included in the benefits.

The funeral expenses of insolvent Ali were covered by Emmanuel College, Cambridge on the.

attended her wake and funeral, giving bai jin (contributions towards funeral expenses) and gifts.

After the bill for his funeral expenses is left unpaid, the narrator has Dammit's body dug up and sold for.

Letterman also paid for his funeral expenses but was unable to attend his funeral due to a severe case of shingles.

areas of need: community care needs; budgeting expenses; maternity and funeral expenses; and expenses arising from financial crises.

probation with 400 hours of community service, a "500 restitution, and funeral expenses.

compensation to her bereaved family and refused to contribute towards funeral expenses as it "would create a precedent and admit responsibility".

lacked funds to pay for his funeral, the people contributed to his funeral expenses by way of a levy.

during illness and, in the event of a member's death, payments toward funeral expenses and pensions to support the member's widow and children.

In the end, the Cantin family had to fund-raise to pay for his funeral expenses.

program, which provided for members when they were ill and covered funeral expenses.

exempted widows and orphans from taxes; compelled the city to pay funeral expenses (including the ritual food and drink libations for the journey of the.


morgue; funeral home; mortuary; dead room; funeral parlor; funeral chapel; funeral church; funeral parlour;


informal; inactivity; noncompliance; nonconformity; nonobservance;

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