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furlough Meaning in Bengali

 ছুটিতে থাকার অনুমতি


লম্বা ছুটিগ্রহণ, সাময়িক ছুটি,

furlough's Usage Examples:

A furlough (/ˈfɜːrloʊ/; from Dutch: verlof, "leave of absence") is a temporary leave of employees due to special needs of a company or employer, which.

As part of this, he launched a furlough scheme for job retention and the hospitality subsidy scheme Eat Out to.

was the beneficiary of a Massachusetts weekend furlough program.

He did not return from his furlough, and ultimately committed assault, armed robbery.

three or more years) were granted a "furlough" for a visit home.

These soldiers on leave were called "furlough men" Leave (U.

A furlough is a type of leave.

" On March 19, 2020, he was released under a medical furlough on humanitarian grounds to the custody of the Swiss Embassy, conditioned.

an employee could be furloughed for the first time was 10 June 2020.

4 million employees had been furloughed under the scheme.

comfortable, safer prison in a different jurisdiction, sometimes with more furlough privileges.

of the pandemic, the vast majority of clubs placed players and staff on furlough.

sentenced to one year in work furlough (allowing him to go to his job during the day and then report back to the furlough facility at night) and five years.

8 million, Carcieri imposed 12 furlough days.

While on furlough in the US in 1919, the widower married again.


leave; leave of absence;


welcome; accept; oblige;

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