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gaudiness Meaning in Bengali

gaudiness's Usage Examples:

a letter, "and yet seems to me to contain something of the essential gaudiness of poetry; that is the reason why I like it".

Piers Plowman also associates the weapon with vain gaudiness: in this case, two priests, "Sir John and Sir Geoffrey", are reported.

Great Neck (specifically Kings Point), for its epitome of nouveau riche gaudiness, atmosphere, and lifestyle.

Colonel Hans von Luck called it "Hitler's fried egg", in response to its gaudiness.

"the essential gaudiness of poetry".

) The gaudiness of color images.

In conclusion, it was argued that "Instead of gimmicks and gaudiness, the Huawei P20 Pro delivers refinement and efficiency.

his is a tinge of green in shadows marring the harmony of the work, a gaudiness of jarring tints, uniform surface and a touch more quick than subtle.

But its gaudiness will carry it through, especially with the fans.

paintings, so are her pretensions to religion and holiness, and for the gaudiness of her worship; and as she was remarkable for her idolatry, whoredoms.

There are variations on the material used, and the gaudiness or tastefulness of the decoration depending on how much the brewery wants.

Candyman's physical description thusly: He was bright to the point of gaudiness: His flesh was a waxy yellow.

dangling and broken electric signs: that once glittered in advertising gaudiness; shabby, dirty, overcrowded streets; blocks full of refugees, their children.

directed and shot, we feel the languorous pull of the discotheque, and the gaudiness is transformed.

glumness was a revolt into Sixties kitchen-sink greyness against the gaudiness of the Eighties new wave music, as exemplified by Culture Club and their.

I knew it wasn't the time for gaudiness, for elaborate sets and costumes.

William Makepeace Thackeray, where its Gothic Hall is singled out for its gaudiness.


garishness; ugliness;


attractiveness; appetizingness; elegance; loud; tastefulness;

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