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gazes Meaning in Bengali

 ঠাউর, স্থির দৃষ্টি,


স্থির দৃষ্টি, ঠাউর,


একদৃষ্টিতে তাকান, স্থির দৃষ্টিতে তাকাইয়া থাকা,

gazes শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অন্যান্য শিখরগুলি হল ইকুয়ালারি (৬,০৫৯ মিটার), নন্দ গন্ড (৬,৩১৫ মিটার), নিতল ঠাউর (৬,০৫৯ মিটার) ।

gazes's Usage Examples:

Oculomancy (from the Latin oculus, "eye") is a form of scrying where the diviner gazes into the questioners' eyes and reads the reflections.

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, each asana is associated with one of the 8 focused gazes, namely Angusthamadhye (thumb), Bhrumadhye (eyebrow), Nasagre (tip of nose).

He sits behind a table with a book open before him, and gazes thoughtfully into the distance.

His paintings depict lively small figures, often with intense gazes.

An armed and armored Achilles gazes pensively to the right with one hand on his hip.

bronze woman points up at Washington while a child, also made out of bronze, gazes upward.

Meanwhile, Mary does not cling to her son or even look at him, but gazes down and away.

elegant brocade doublet, leaning with both hands over the water, as he gazes at this own distorted reflection.

treat the people who come to see him — rather, he stands on a platform and gazes.

Wisdom gazes heavenward while Hercules looks down on jewels below him.

Individuals higher in social anxiety avert their gazes, show fewer facial expressions, and show difficulty with initiating and.

He gazes down to the side with a strong determination.


look; stare down; stare; outface; stargaze; outstare;


exclude; esteem; disesteem; respect; back;

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