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genially Meaning in Bengali

genially's Usage Examples:

issue, which featured Gudrun Gut on the cover, "this 'dilettante' has genially hosted Berlin's new music scene for 30 years".

out of the fierce political struggles of his time, and to have been a genially satirical humorist.

Michael Quercio as "an able craftsman of the pop hook," citing the band's "genially hallucinogenic ditties" and "a solid pop approach [that] keeps it from.

Consequently, sailors discussing their cargo in local establishments would genially accuse others reputed to be lying about their cargo of "taking the piss".

he got out when the getting was good), this offers one side of Ayers's genially eccentric songs and one of Eno singing Eno songs at full volume (note demonic.

It’s a sweetly fleecy tale of outsider-makes-good, the genially inevitable ending entirely satisfying.

offered that "The extraordinarily blonde Laura La Plante occupies herself genially enough in the title part.

“Collaborating, the instruments genially traverse an agreed route: they are of one mind; neither needs to develop.

Bespectacled Robert Woolsey played a genially leering, cigar-smoking, fast-talking idea man who often got the pair in.

probably bomb at the box-office (which it did), whereupon the producer genially replied "That's all right.

the Second French Empire of Napoleon III; the emperor and his court were genially satirised in many of Offenbach's operettas.

stuff about racing, 'Riding High' offers several pleasant songs, rendered genially by Mr.

Sophia Lillis, Nancy Drew and the Hidden Staircase leads audiences into a genially entertaining new take on the venerable character.

all partners of the business, and finally closes with Harpreet smiling genially at a desk, showing that in the long run, honesty and hard work are sound.

Daily described the work as "warm-hearted", "enjoyably fluffy", and "a genially non-critical film that leaves audiences with a smile".

had been working together for years, and the results seem less like a genially thrown-together side project than the work of a real band.

"I in person," said Psmith genially.

Hollywood satire titled 'The Player' is so entertaining, so flip and so genially irreverent that it seems to announce the return of the great gregarious.


affably; amiably;

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