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genital organ Meaning in Bengali




genital organ's Usage Examples:

geometrical figures, an arrow, and one carving closely resembles a female genital organ.

jangha, bears a nayika in standing pose pushing something into her genital organ in her left hand while her right hand is resting on the ground.

It form the waist on the position of the genital organ (kama), justifying its name.

bulbous genital organ at the end of the abdomen and the female has a pointed back end at the abdomen which is corresponding at the male's genital organ.

Africa, does not involve procedures which remove parts of the female genital organ.

side (contrary to nudibranchs who have it on the back), just after the genital organ.

The eminence or genital organ is found midway on the lower rim of the vent, and looks like a very.

genital organ is most likely so armored to make it hard for the females to shake the males off; the male has to spin 180 degrees to get his genital organ.

(whether natural or unnatural), by a person involving the use of the genital organ for the purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire.

the cervix dilating, and the baby passing out the vagina (the female genital organ).

just below spinal cord) towards the "Svāḍhishthāna" (located near the genital organ), circumambulate there three times, then raise it to the “Maṇipūraka”.

(whether natural or unnatural) by a person involving the use of the genital organ for the purpose of arousing or gratifying sexual desire.

the neck), Anahata (heart), Manipuraka (navel), Svadhishthana (near genital organ) and Muladhara (base of spinal cord).

XII Andrology and gynecology: genital organ diseases, classification, symptoms, causes, prognosis 2.

"A simple device for measuring volume changes of the male genital organ.

reproductive system, the final step involves the removal of the symbolic male genital organ on the labia minora, converting him into a pure female.

Queequeg) Chapter 95, however, "The Cassock", referring to the whale's genital organ, was untouched, perhaps because of Melville's indirect language.


sex organ; genitals; family jewels; private parts; male genitalia; pudendum; reproductive organ; genitalia; female genitals; female genital organ; male genital organ; crotch; fanny; male genitals; female genitalia; privates;


receptor; effector; activeness; beginning; attack;

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