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gesticulations Meaning in Bengali

 অঙ্গভঙ্গীকরণ, ঠার,


ঠার, অঙ্গভঙ্গীকরণ,

gesticulations শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

লোলো-বর্মী, বর্মী, দক্ষিণ বর্মী বাংলা ১০ কোটির বেশি কেন্দ্রীয়, পশ্চিমী (খারিয়া ঠার, মাল পাহাড়িয়া, সারাকি), দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমী বাংলা, উত্তর বাংলা (কোচ, শ্রীপুরী) ।

মাতৃভাষা বাংলা, ৮.১ শতাংশের মাতৃভাষা সাঁওতালি, ১.১ শতাংশের মাতৃভাষা কুর্মালি ঠার, ০.৫ শতাংশের মাতৃভাষা হিন্দি ও ০.১ শতাংশের মাতৃভাষা তেলুগু ।

তবে বিষ্ণুপ্রিয়া মনিপুরিরা নিজেদের ভাষাকে 'ইমার ঠার বা 'মাতৃভাষা' বলে ।

এরপর কালক্রমে ইমার ঠার (১৯৭৭), সত্যম(১৯৮৫), মিঙাল(১৯৮৮), মণিপুরীর সাহিত্য (১৯৮৯), পৌরি (১৯৮৯), জাগরন(১৯৯০) ।

gesticulations's Usage Examples:

and include spontaneous gesticulations, language-like gestures, pantomime, emblems, and sign language.

Spontaneous gesticulations are not evident without.

Chironomia is the art of using gesticulations or hand gestures to good effect in traditional rhetoric or oratory.

username "Gman250" and shows Brolsma lip-synching the hit song with lively gesticulations and dance moves, which later got taken down by the Newgrounds team in.

distinctive left-handed batting style and his notable and unique body gesticulations, primarily below the waist, before going into his devastating stride.

agberos who attract customers to board their vehicles through their wild gesticulations and loud voices.

her about on the steps as he whirled and twisted about to perform his gesticulations".

" Georgie flees the gesticulations and shouting of this dire prophet, but finds has nevertheless been "in.

of drum and bass Liquid dancing, a form of dance in which a dancer's gesticulations flow fluidly Liquid (musician), a British dance act Liquid (EP), an.

grunt, by beating their clubs and spears together, and by various other gesticulations, such as extending their arms and wriggling their bodies.

compensate for this, the actors had to exaggerate their movements and gesticulations.

Alooshe, was watching the speech and saw Gaddafi's strange dress and gesticulations as something out of a trance party.

mental anguish and physical pain during years of illness; his tics and gesticulations associated with Tourette syndrome became more noticeable and were often.

bullet in it, points it playfully at Charles, whose panic-stricken gesticulations are not enough to dissuade Paul from pulling the trigger, thereby killing.

occasionally light in the playing (comic music punctuates some of Micawber's gesticulations), it doesn't avoid the novel's tough incidents, and its length allows.

the race, and the race went ahead despite his presence and Patrese's gesticulations.

Ptomanian plane, complete with fringe, toothbrush moustache, and wild gesticulations.

their cloaks and bags and raised a loud wail, accompanied by frantic gesticulations, lacerating their bodies with sharp shells till the blood flowed from.


motion; gesture;


opening; closing; boo;

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