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get at Meaning in Bengali

 পোঁছান, উপনীত হওয়া, পৌঁছান, নাগাল পাত্তয়া, হাতে পাত্তয়া, ধরিতে পারা, খুঁজিয়া পাত্তয়া, বুঝিতে পারা, কোন কিছু বুঝাইতে চাত্তয়া, ইঙ্গিত করা, পরিহাস করা,

get at's Usage Examples:

It often flips over stones and other objects to get at prey items hiding underneath; this behaviour is the origin of the name "turnstone".

employment, but also includes the same severance packages executives would get at retirement.

Phra Prang Sam Yod temple in Lopburi Province shows a monkey trying to get at fresh fruits and vegetables embedded in blocks of ice.

In the district seats, a candidate is required to get at least 28% of the vote cast in a district to be elected.

had little doubt that the ship was on fire, and that we must endeavor to get at it.

have History in Spanish, and get at least 12/20.

They then have to pass an oral examination on history in Spanish and get at least 10/20.

axis), that is to say, the more someone performs a task, the better they get at it.

Scitovsky pointed out that to get at the correct criterion of welfare we must remove this contradiction.

The squirrels get at pine seeds by gnawing through the cone scales, whereas the crossbills get at the seeds by extracting them with.

of predominance throughout the whole region so as not to, as he put it, "get at cross-purposes in small ways".

who won't stop until she gets what she wants—and that's something you can get at the expense of maybe losing your close ones.

Wolverines can crush bones as thick as the femur of a moose to get at the marrow, and have been seen attempting to drive bears away from their.

Now, isn't that wonderful? By what process does the mind get at all this?" In the same interview, Tesla said that he believed that all fundamental.

I'm realistic about the amount of work I can get at my age, but I take what I can, even voice-overs and narration.

most votes; there will not be a runoff election if a candidate does not get at least 50 percent of the vote.


express; obtain; buy; gather up; come by; take in; charter; catch; partake; isolate; take; make; recoup; incur; realize; engage; garner; partake in; capture; pull in; rent; hire; recover; recuperate; get back; share; collect; press out; call for; win; inherit; repossess; come into; receive; realise; extract; bring in; pick up; get hold; accept; profit; acquire; glom; clear; reclaim; preempt; poll; borrow; have; earn; come up; luck into; turn; retrieve; regain; find; gain; win back; come upon; benefit; line up; lease; enter upon; purchase;


refuse; lend; lose; sell; falsify;

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