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get on to Meaning in Bengali

 বুঝিতে পারা, ধরিতে পারা,

get on to's Usage Examples:

But let's get on to my achievements.

girls get the extra leadership and academic push they need to get on to the path to success in college and in life.

2020 there were still around 10,000 Mongolians stranded abroad unable to get on to the few evacuation flights to return to the country.

collar, and said, "If you expect to work in this country you'd better get on to the language we use here.

They'll see it, and they'll listen, and they'll say, 'Well, let's get on to the next person.

she confirmed in her micro-blogging page stating "I am very excited to get on to the set of Baahubali.

perceived as "cracks about Jews" at the Academy Awards, replied: Before I get on to the writing awards, there's a little matter I'd like to tidy up—at least.

reported that those passengers who caught hold of a certain brass rod, to get on to the car, experienced a mild electric shock, the effect of which caused.

Union in the first year or two of the '50s, someone told me how I could get on to the unfinished New Jersey Turnpike.

Those travelling by road from Kolkata can get on to State Highway 6 from somewhere suitable in Howrah district, and travel.

from then on had a close friendship and Carlyle also helped Jewsbury get on to the English literary scene.

unexpected result for the troubled team since their cars had barely managed to get on to the grid with Häkkinen 25th and Bailey 26th.

that completed the whole season (a world record at the time) but did not get on to the podium.

Nanammal attempted to get on to the Guinness Book of World Records by teaching yoga to over 20,000 students.

ended up with a winners' medal when Liverpool won 3–1, though he did not get on to the pitch.

I'm not sure how to edit Wikipedia, but I will get on to that and change it.

music we’re currently writing ever sees the light of day, and then we can get on to the enjoyable globe-trotting-meets-concert-planning stage.


express; obtain; buy; gather up; come by; take in; charter; catch; partake; isolate; take; make; recoup; incur; realize; engage; garner; partake in; capture; pull in; rent; hire; recover; recuperate; get back; share; collect; press out; call for; win; inherit; repossess; come into; receive; realise; extract; bring in; pick up; get hold; accept; profit; acquire; glom; clear; reclaim; preempt; poll; borrow; have; earn; come up; luck into; turn; retrieve; regain; find; gain; win back; come upon; benefit; line up; lease; enter upon; purchase;


refuse; lend; lose; sell; falsify;

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