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give an account of Meaning in Bengali

 বর্ণনা দেত্তয়া,

give an account of's Usage Examples:

The court has the authority to compel an executor to give an account of their actions.

After the hand-over, the Imo House of Assembly summoned him to give an account of his stewardship of the state.

numbering around 10,000 men according to Persian sources, Mewari sources give an account of 80,000 Mughal troops against the 20,000 strong Mewari army.

In his account of India he is the first to give an account of the stories of Kalila and Dimna, as well as of Sindibad (Sinbad).

Marat's placards as inciting to murder, summoned Georges Danton to give an account of his ministry, supervised the furnishing of military supplies to the.

There are also 14,000-year-old petroglyphs that give an account of the early inhabitants of the area.

The Annals of Lough Ce give an account of Diarmait's death: Diarmaid, son of Ruaidhri, son of Toirdhelbhach.

Each head of a locale is called before the crimine to give an account of all the activities carried out during the year.

It attempts to give an account of free will and moral responsibility which is complementary to Dennett's.

philosophy alongside the notion of the active intellect in order to give an account of the operation of the intellect (nous), in accordance with the theory.

expressed as follows by Elster (1989: 3-4): “To explain an event is to give an account of why it happened.

Book and film give an account of a bourgeois woman who struggles with her sexuality.

None of the narrative histories of the Merovingian period give an account of Dagobert's reign, which must be reconstructed from several different.

The Book of Mormon purports to give an account of two civilizations formed by families who migrated to the Americas.

while he was yet boiling with rage, and commanding him to stand and give an account of himself, he struck the guardian of the peace to the ground, who in.

also give an account of an elaborate system of village administration dating back to the tenth century.

Its ambitious mission was to give an account of the "human element associating the soul and the body".

suffragan bishops to consecrate Tedald and summoned Tedald to Rome to give an account of his appointment.

Acoreus proceeds to give an account of the Nile, including the time and possible causes of its flooding and.

drawing near (323 BC), he had himself brought into the council to give an account of his public conduct, and Menesaechmus was the only man who ventured.


life; historical document; life story; annals; ancient history; chronicle; chronological record; case history; history; story; life history; historical paper; historical record; etymology; biography; recital; record;


indication; falsehood; overstatement; truth; pro;

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