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giving birth Meaning in Bengali


জন্ম দান,

giving birth শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

তিনি আন (স্বর্গ) ও কি-র (পৃথিবী) জন্ম দান করেছিলেন ।

কিছু কিছু পতঙ্গে পুরুষের দ্বারা ডিম নিষিক্ত না করেই স্ত্রী পোকা সন্তান জন্ম দান করতে পারে ।

তাই সংখ্যা বৃদ্ধি রোধ অথবা পরিমিত সন্তান জন্ম দান করে পৃথিবীর ভারসাম্য আনায়নে পরিবার পরিকল্পনা আবশ্যক ।

নেপালের রূপান্দি জেলায় অবস্থিত এই স্থানেই রানী মায়াদেবী সিদ্ধার্থ গৌতমকে জন্ম দান করেন ।

giving birth's Usage Examples:

She died after giving birth to her son Yūgiri.

Zootoca vivipara, slow worms and many species of skink are viviparous, giving birth to live young.

United States report some feelings of sadness or "baby blues" after giving birth.

uncommon for the mother to commit infanticide shortly after parturition (giving birth) under conditions of extreme stress (parental infanticide), or for an.

their fetuses via a placenta, though for a relatively briefer period, giving birth to less developed young who are then kept for a period in the mother's.

sooner, but some women experience a prolonged loss of sexual desire after giving birth, which may be associated with postnatal depression.

Her mother died after giving birth to her (of fever) and she is known to her family as the worst luck ever.

Their second son survived but she died when giving birth to their third son due to birthing complications.

has made Esparreguera one of the cradles of Catalan performing arts, giving birth to actors such as the sisters Anna and Lola Lizaran, or the contemporary.

died at 30 years of age from complications of pregnancy two days after giving birth.

A woman giving birth in a hospital may leave as soon as she is medically stable, which can.

Sea to a cave near the Qocho mountains and a city of the Tocharians, giving birth to ten half-wolf, half-human boys.

The legend tells that after she accomplished the goal of giving birth to humanity, Bachué and the parrot god, her husband, became snakes and.

They are ovoviviparous, giving birth to up to six young at a time.

Two days after giving birth to their only child, she died from Bright's disease, aged 22.

Stateira I died giving birth to a son, Ochus in early 332 BC.

She quickly became queen and a favourite of Phraates IV, giving birth to Phraataces (Phraates V).

Euroswydd, and presumably, Penarddun consequently married Euroswydd, giving birth by Euroswydd to her two younger sons, Nisien and Efnisien, as stated.

Southern Province of Zambia and has since been split into two districts giving birth to Pemba district on the Northern border of the district.


childbearing; parturition; travail; childbirth; brooding; laying; accouchement; confinement; farrow; birthing; biological process; hatch; incubation; lying-in; reproduction; egg laying; organic process; vaginal birth; hatching; birth; calving; childbed; parturiency; labor; farrowing; labour;


thoughtless; declassification; anabolism; nondevelopment; development;

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