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gladiatorial Meaning in Bengali

 গ্ল্যাডিয়েটর সংক্রান্ত,


গ্ল্যাডিয়েটর সংক্রান্ত,

gladiatorial's Usage Examples:

The origin of gladiatorial combat is open to debate.

The Ludus Magnus (also known as the Great Gladiatorial Training School) was the largest of the gladiatorial schools in Rome.

In the Roman Republic of the 1st century BC, gladiatorial games were one of the more popular forms of entertainment.

phrase, meaning "with a turned thumb", that is used in the context of gladiatorial combat.

a new Gallic gladiatorial recruit.

Tarabay as Ashur – a new Syrian gladiatorial recruit.

Shane Rangi as Dagan – a gladiatorial recruit who speaks.

Jaguar warriors also participated in gladiatorial sacrifices.

The gladiatorial sacrifice was a giant spectacle the entire city would.

The Forum Boarium was the site of the first gladiatorial contest at Rome which took place in 264 BC as part of aristocratic funerary.

the episode, Captain Kirk and his companions are forced to fight in gladiatorial games on a planet resembling the Roman Empire, but possessing mid-20th.

It was combined with gladiatorial combat and was first featured at the Roman Forum and then transferred.

Disguised by a masked helmet, Maximus debuts in gladiatorial combat in the Colosseum as a Carthaginian in a re-enactment of the Battle.

sports, but involving only human participants, include the Ancient Roman gladiatorial games.

mainly the chariot races), gladiatorius ("gladiatorial") and scaenicus ("theatrical").

The relation of gladiatorial games to the ludi is complex; see Gladiator.

benevolent aspect, as indicated by the blood shed in his honor during gladiatorial munera.

Some gladiatorial combat footage was also cut for the 1938 reissue, as were arena sequences.

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