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glamors Meaning in Bengali

লোভনীয় সৌন্দর্য বা কবজ (প্রায়ই সেক্স-আবেদন সহ


মোহিনী মায়া, ভোজবিদ্যা, মোহন, মনোমোহন, বিলাস, ঠমকী, ঠাট, জাঁকজমক, চাকচক্য, ভেলকি, যাদু, জাদু, চাকচিক্য, মুগ্ধতা, আকর্ষণ, চটক, কুহক, আকর্ষণীয়তা, ইন্দ্রজাল,

glamors শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ইতালীয় খাবারগুলো মূলত খাবারের উপকরণের গুণগত মানের উপর নির্ভর করে করে, জাঁকজমক প্রস্তুতির উপর নয় ।

glamors's Usage Examples:

Steve Newlin glamors Jason and declares he's a "Proud Gay American Vampire" and has been in.

Jessica confesses to Hoyt that she has fed on another man and then glamors him into forgetting about it.

such as being dutiful and obedient to her overbearing parents whom she "glamors" into her slaves.

becomes hysterical, at which point Lorena, Bill's maker, steps in and glamors her before removing Bill from his family forever.

However, Bill shows up and glamors his way into the house just in time.

money towards experienced players, and not spend on Roy Hofheinz personal glamors inside the owners box, historians say this was the start of the downfall.

glamors's Meaning':

alluring beauty or charm (often with sex-appeal


beauty; glamour;


ugliness; unattractiveness; unpleasingness;

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