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gloats Meaning in Bengali

 আগ্রহসহকারে দেখা, উল্লাস দৃষ্টিতে তাকান, তুষ্টির দৃষি্টতে তাকান, লোলুপনেত্রে দেখা,

দূষিত সন্তুষ্টি


লোলুপনেত্রে দেখা, তুষ্টির দৃষি্টতে তাকান, উল্লাস দৃষ্টিতে তাকান, আগ্রহসহকারে দেখা,

gloats's Usage Examples:

But the dominant character is Kunjupattumma's mother who gloats over the glory that was, and the central theme is the conflict between the.

while Zod gloats.

The entire time, Superman and Zod are engaged in dialogue that recaps the events of Brainiac through Last Stand while Zod gloats and threatens.

In the chorus, which also opens the song, the triumphant singer gloats that "Well now it's Judy's turn to cry, Judy's turn to cry, Judy's turn.

Idols inundate Hot 100, but Glee gloats with top debut Retrieved on 2009-05-27 [3][dead link] "Archived copy".

gratify his penchant for murders in his own country, comes out here and gloats over his victims.

Acheronian general, having killed all the priests, holds up the artifact and gloats over his victory.

Burchill then reveals herself as the true culprit and gloats how vastly Cerebro has enhanced her mind, allowing her to take control of.

David leaves on a helicopter, while Lawrence gloats about his victory to Jill.

Rachel ends up dropping both her half in the hallway, and when Chandler gloats about it, she drops his half as well.

As Sapphire gloats to Psylocke that she died to soon, she is surprised to see what appears.

Sylvester gloats, mocking the bird for thinking he outsmarted him, but Tweety points out.

Alone Edricus gloats.

Although Superior defeats them in battle, Ormon gloats that he still has Simon's soul, until he realizes that Simon (as Superior).

"As killer gloats in court, Norway shows no anger".

As he gloats over the killing, he takes as a spoil of war Pallas' sword belt and puts.

Hawkins, or an impersonator, and gloats, eager to see Britta fail at another task.

Dwight wins the challenge, but when he gloats to Angela about his victory, she rejects him outright and makes it clear.

Craig gloats and throws the broken-off head of the statue at the city, cackling maniacally.

"Islamic State gloats as terrorist fear grips Europe".

gloats's Meaning':

malicious satisfaction


congratulate; brag; tout; gas; boast; shoot a line; blow; crow; triumph; bluster; vaunt; gasconade; swash; preen;


unleaded gasoline; leaded gasoline; defend; lack; succeed;

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