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glomerules Meaning in Bengali

একটি সন্নিবিষ্ট বা অবৃন্তক cyme

glomerules's Usage Examples:

Its flowers, disposed in little glomerules, have a white corolla, with the androecium welded to the corolla.

The disc-shaped flower heads are clustered in glomerules 1 or 2 centimeters wide.

(Lepidostromatales)) by having a microsquamulose thallus that forms contiguous glomerules (reminiscent of a 'Botrydina-type' thallus) with a cortex of jig-saw-puzzle-shaped.

Flowers are born in small glomerules (clumps) of pink or purple flowers and green bracts, born in the axils.

♂ in dense glomerules, terminal on main and axillary branches; calyx-teeth linear, obtuse, ciliolate;.

The male flowers are in glomerules forming interrupted terminal spike-like panicles.

The heads are clumped together in groups called "glomerules," hence the scientific name of the species.

condensed, with poorly defined branching, their overall shape described as "glomerules".

Flowers are small, white, clustered in terminal and axillary glomerules.

Flower heads are born in tight glomerules (clumps) along the upper parts of the stems.

Flowers are borne in glomerules (clumps) of up to 25 flowers, each greenish-brown and covered with long.

dichasia in the axils of leaf-like bracts, sometimes of more condensed glomerules of flowers arranged spicately.

Female inflorescences with one- or few-flowered glomerules of pistillate flowers, surrounded by 2 completely united bracteoles, without.

always grouped into dense clusters of 5 to 30 flowers, known as glomerules.

These glomerules are usually simply found between the leaf and the stem, but are.

produced laterally along the stems, the flowers are arranged in compact glomerules with few to many flowers.

They consist of spicately or paniculately arranged glomerules of flowers.

The axillary and terminal inflorescences consist of small dense glomerules of flowers, arranged spicately or paniculately.

The inflorescences are long spikelike cymes or glomerules.

Inflorescences show many globose glomerules, 3–5 mm in diameter.

The inflorescences consist of spicately arranged compact glomerules of flowers, ebracteate or in the axils of small leaf-like bracts.

glomerules's Meaning':

a compacted or sessile cyme

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