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gloomier Meaning in Bengali

 তমসাচ্ছন্ন, নিরাশ, অন্ধকারময়, আঁধার, তমসাবৃত, ভগ্নহৃদয়, বিষণ্ণ, তিমিরাচ্ছন্ন, অন্ধ, হতাশ, মনমরা, অপ্রফুল্ল, এঁধো, দু:খিত,


এঁধো, দু:খিত, অপ্রফুল্ল, মনমরা, হতাশ, অন্ধ, তিমিরাচ্ছন্ন, বিষণ্ণ, ভগ্নহৃদয়, তমসাবৃত, আঁধার, অন্ধকারময়, নিরাশ, তমসাচ্ছন্ন,

gloomier's Usage Examples:

Often considered darker and gloomier than visual kei, nagoya kei takes its musical influences more so from western.

characters as a "wet blanket", although by his account other Marsh-wiggles are gloomier still.

Reflections on the Revolution in France in late 1790, and by 1795 many of his gloomier predictions had come true.

upbeat lyrical tone, according to guitarist Olof Mörck, Astronomy is "gloomier, more stygian and packed with crunching guitars; both furiously fast and.

"Holidays gloomier at clinic where founder hospitalized".

problems as ponderously as if they had been propounded by Ibsen in one of his gloomier moods.

Robinson, who gives an inspiring speech despite gloomy weather and even gloomier protesters, three of whom were arrested.

AllMusic, critic Ned Raggett said: "With their former band's generally gloomier shadows left behind, what Ash and Haskins draw from their time with Bauhaus.

the following one Vejen væk (The Path Away), released in 1988, was much gloomier, reflecting his turbulent split from Fenger.

on occasion he deliberately distorted his account to show events in a gloomier light.

Most probably, in some gloomier moment he had fancied the moment when his sister might die.

In 1958, it was expanded into a gloomier and more stylized stage play, The Risen People, staged at the Abbey Theatre.

so sombre is it, and relieved only by one ever-glowing point of light gloomier than the shadow:— "ON A FIELD, SABLE, THE LETTER A, GULES" Pain's headstone.

After World War I, his works contained less humor and were much gloomier.

the harsh reality of the worker's life turned Permeke's work back to a gloomier mood as he mainly painted the harsh fisherman's life.

editorial board cited experts in Washington saying "they do not recall a gloomier" NIC Global Trends report.

It doesn't help that the movie's action grows steadily gloomier, leading to a public humiliation that seems wildly out of scale with what.

that "[n]o season in the history of Michigan football has opened with a gloomier outlook" than that of 1903.


glooming; gloomful; dark; sulky;


lively; happy; uncheerfulness; joyous; light;

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