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glottic Meaning in Bengali



glottic শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মস্তক(পুঞ্জাক্ষি,সরলাক্ষি,এন্টেনা,মুখোপাঙ্গো),বক্ষ(ডানা,পা,স্পাইরাকাল),উদর(টিমপেনাম,শ্বাসরন্ধ্র,পায়ু,বহিঃজননাঙ্গ) "Caelifera:Grasshoppers and Locusts" ।

একজন মায়াস্বর শিল্পী কথা বলার সময় ধীরে ধীরে নিঃশ্বাস ছাড়েন, শ্বাসরন্ধ্র ও গলার পেশী সংকুচিত করে ধ্বনিগুণ পরিবর্তন করেন, মুখ খুবই অল্প করে খোলা ।

স্পর্শবর্ণ দন্ত্য দন্তমূলীয় পশ্চাৎদন্তমূলীয় তালব্য ধ্বনি অলিজিহ্বাগত গলবিল শ্বাসরন্ধ্র  জোরালো নয়  জোরালো  জোরালো নয়  জোরালো স্পর্শবর্ণ অঘোষ       t tˀ (ṭ) ।

ব্যঞ্জনধ্বনি উচ্চারণকালে ফুসফুসের কোনও বিশেষ কার্য থাকে না, বরং বায়ু শ্বাসরন্ধ্র (ধ্বনিদ্বার বা কন্ঠনালিপথ) ও পশ্চাত্তালু (কোমল বা নরম তালু) দ্বারা সঞ্চালিত ।

glottic's Usage Examples:

CO2 laser cordectomy has allowed the treatment of glottic carcinoma as a day case procedure.

It is designed to enable a view of the glottic opening without aligning the oral with the pharyngeal, and laryngeal axes.

Collins syndrome, Robin sequence, head and neck surgery with supraglottic or glottic obstruction.

Symptomatic glottic insufficiency (dysphonia, aspiration) which leads to incomplete glottic closure which in turn results in failure.

'insufficiency' of the laryngeal structures that should act to maintain glottic patency.

cricoid pressure in pediatric population, especially neonates, improves glottic view and aids tracheal intubation apart from its classical role in rapid.

Several studies demonstrate some degree of glottic compression reduction in tidal volume and increase in peak pressures.

Strain (GBRAS) voice scale, Voice Handicap Index, and closure of the glottic gap.

assessing the vocal cords, the most common finding in MTD is a posterior glottic gap.

Voice outcomes following laser cordectomy for early glottic cancer: a physical model investigation.

Endotracheal tube connectors, oral ' nasal versions Magill tracheal spray (glottic anaesthetic) Single-lung anaesthesia Endobronchial tubes and bronchial.

"The role of the glottic and epiglottic planes in the phonetic qualities of voice in the Bor Dinka.

Laryngotracheal stenosis (Laryngo-: Glottic Stenosis; Subglottic Stenosis; Tracheal: narrowings at different levels.

Using this device, he was able to observe the function of his own glottic apparatus and the uppermost portion of his trachea.

amphibian breathing reflex, the fact that it does not explain the reason for glottic closure, and because the very short contraction of the hiccup is unlikely.

[citation needed] For small glottic tumours further imaging may be unnecessary.

Tracheotomes provide another alternative for airflow when there are glottic pathological conditions such as neoplasm and bilateral vocal cord paralysis.

Because the airway of a child is narrow, a small amount of glottic or tracheal swelling can produce critical obstruction.

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