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gnomonics Meaning in Bengali



gnomonics শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

স্মৃতিবর্ধনবিদ্যা বা Mnemonic (উচ্চারণ: [nəˈmɒnɪk]) এক ধরনের স্মৃতি সহায়িকা যা পুরোপুরিই শিক্ষা সংশ্লিষ্ট কাজে ব্যবহৃত হয় ।

অ্যালগরিদম প্রায়ই সাহায্যে মুখস্ত ছিল স্মৃতিবর্ধনবিদ্যা যেমন একটি আয়াতে আরোপিত হিসেবে ইবন আল Yasamin এবং ভারসাম্য মাপের ডায়াগ্রামে ।

gnomonics's Usage Examples:

galactic astronomy and extragalactic astronomy, history of astronomy, gnomonics, and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI).

subjects of expertise: The first book discussed geometry in brief, and gnomonics at great length.

Praxitelean paillasson ispaghul cabalassou telyn loratadine jagüey ceinture gnomonics binnacle funest amaranthine calando rouleau lophophytosis shamir pseudepigrapha.

He also wrote a book on gnomonics and a work on measuring time, and built his own observatory.

Sawyer, Bifilar gnomonics, JBAA (Journal of the British Astronomical association), 88(4):334–351.

Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden) Treatise of gnomonics, 1581 Horologiorum nova descriptio (in Latin).

in mathematics and in physical experiments, and publishing his work on gnomonics and perspective.

Grandjean de Fouchy, Secretary of the Academy of Sciences and an authority in gnomonics and sundials.

mathematical fields, including practical geometry, arithmetic, optics, gnomonics, astronomy and instrumentalism.

(1601–1676) – Minim physicist and professor of medicine who published works on gnomonics and perspective Christopher Maire (1697–1767) – Jesuit astronomer and.

in his research, but also with physics, arithmetic, geometry, optics, gnomonics, geography, and chronology.

gnomonology The study of gnomonics.

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