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go Meaning in Bengali

 যাওয়া, গমন করা


প্রচেষ্টা, সক্রিয়তা, কর্মশক্তি, কার্যকরতা, সফল অভিযান, ব্যাপার, গতি, গমন,


ঝোঁকা, বলবৎ থাকা, ডাক দেত্তয়া, বাজি ধরা, অনুধাবন করা, মানানসই হত্তয়া, পথ ছাড়িয়া দেত্তয়া, অন্তর্ভুক্ত হত্তয়া, অকৃতকার্য হত্তয়া, পরিণত হত্তয়া, ঘটা, পরিপূর্ণ হত্তয়া, গর্ভবতী হত্তয়া, সচরাচর হত্তয়া, বিদিত থাকা, গণ্য হত্তয়া, চলা, গমন করা, নড়া, অগ্রসর হত্তয়া, ধাবন করা, প্রস্থান করা, সক্রিয় হত্তয়া, যাত্তয়া, বাজা, অভিমুখ হত্তয়া, প্রসারিত হত্তয়া, উপক্রম করা, উদ্যত হত্তয়া, বর্তমানে চালু থাকা, চালু হত্তয়া, হত্তয়া,

go's Usage Examples:

all revenue will go directly to Google without any share given to the uploader.

The majority of YouTube's advertising revenue goes to the publishers.

Four years later, having survived the attack, the Bride goes to the home of Vernita Green, planning to kill her.

" Early in the game, going to jail usually hurts a player.

ikitai "I want to go to Japan.

パーティーへ行かないか。 pātī e ikanai ka? "Won't you go to the party?" の no.

Pikachu and a rotating cast of human characters, currently Goh and Chloe, Ash goes on a journey to become a "Pokémon Master" and compete in various Pokémon-battling.

On roads you can go to the unknown world.

Since I have been leading a life where I have few chances to go out freely, roads are a precious.


ski; jounce; proceed; rush along; precede; slice through; go across; retreat; wing; back; surpass; scramble; go through; blow; draw back; ghost; derail; carry; spirt; ease; go by; move on; steamer; roll; play; beetle; move up; lead; repair; wander; bounce; rise; tram; ramble; raft; fall; circuit; betake oneself; hurry; come; swing; precess; flock; breeze; hiss; travel; weave; return; swap; wind; hotfoot; cannonball along; withdraw; whish; circulate; forge; pass by; change; seek; round; turn; spread; zip; err; move back; pull back; propagate; vagabond; bang; locomote; shack; slide; whistle; pursue; cruise; move; accompany; swash; jump; tread; displace; zigzag; pull away; arise; crawl; move around; crank; sift; step on it; whoosh; outflank; cast; island hop; caravan; follow; continue; overfly; fly; draw; go on; whine; walk; plow; steam; resort; race; circle; travel purposefully; wend; pass on; stray; hie; angle; billow; recede; retire; advance; descend; travel rapidly; slice into; rove; sit; go forward; range; step; prance; slither; glide; pass; bucket along; swan; drive; lance; hurtle; ride; push; trundle; taxi; lurch; snowshoe; career; go past; march on; journey; zoom; trail; spurt; belt along; pass over; come down; be adrift; rush; drift; come up; lift; go up; retrograde; run; get about; thread; swim; motor; travel by; progress; float; whisk; go around; speed; ferry; meander; creep; plough; transfer; ascend; take the air; automobile; pace; pelt along; travel along; pan; wheel; shuttle; go down; roam; get around; do; uprise; tramp; drag; hasten;


follow; fall; advance; go; descend; precede; stay in place; linger; ride; ascend; recede; rise;

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