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go far Meaning in Bengali

 দীর্ঘস্থায়ী হওয়া,


দীর্ঘস্থায়ী হওয়া,

go far's Usage Examples:

Roosevelt’s foreign policy: "speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.

d'œuvre of the master, and the large prices for which it has been sold go far to confirm that opinion.

The new phenotypes that appear in fictional mutations generally go far beyond what is typically seen in biological mutants and often result in.

Or the opposite may happen where a project that few think will go far can bring in more profit than imaginable.

Some have argued that the agreement does not go far enough and should guarantee animal rights instead of simply animal welfare.

Indian nationalists considered that the reforms did not go far enough, while British conservatives were critical of them.

Hulkling's character is patterned on the Hulk, with shapeshifting abilities that go far beyond the ability to mimic the Hulk, and superhuman strength.

is best known for its aria "Ebben? Ne andrò lontana" ("Well, then? I'll go far away," act 1, sung when Wally decides to leave her home forever).

on the other hand denounced by Irish Nationalists who claimed it did not go far enough.

Conspiracy theories of a secret government typically go far beyond these verifiable agencies and posit actions by more obscure bodies.

Critics of the alliance contend that the assistance provided does not go far enough, and that not enough homeowners are being helped.

increase democratic safeguards, but opponents argued that they did not go far enough and that an election held too soon could favour the well-organised.

Six Nations Polytechnic Motto You don't have to go far, to go far.

the Republican Left of Catalonia rejected the law on the basis it did not go far enough.

Californians against Proposition 69 argue that the measure doesn't go far enough to protect other transportation fees, such as the vehicle weight.

voice also faces criticism from the youth rights movement that it does not go far enough, or that it is using youth.


faraway; outlying; distant; farther; farthermost; off the beaten track; furthermost; uttermost; furthest; farthest; utmost; distance; out-of-the-way; remote; removed; further; cold; far-off;


near; close; unreserved; mild; low;

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