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go without Meaning in Bengali

 কোনো কিছুর অভাব সহ্য করে থাকা,

go without's Usage Examples:

Repeated infections of the eyes that go without treatment can result in trachoma, a common cause of blindness in the developing.

It was the last Hawkeye football team to go without a head coach when the university decided to forgo hiring a professional.

The group's skill means that its attacks sometimes go without detection for many years.

octopus wrestling, the really sporty way requires that the human diver go without artificial breathing apparatus.

Some species of guineafowl, like the vulturine, may go without drinking water for extended periods, instead sourcing their moisture from.

a surfer may drop-in from the wave crest and have nowhere ridable to go without encountering or running into wave action falls blocking his or her forward.

This success did not go without notice.

but was warned "that as things then stood, the place was not like to go without more money than he thought any wise man would give for it".

It looked likely that Sharma would go without an IPL team again for 2015 season before an injury Laxmi Shulka saw Sunrisers.

Thanh Niên also claimed that Ngoc acquired the ability to go without sleep after a bout of fever in 1973, but according to the Vietnam Investment.

should another be in possession of the object desired and one has to go without it oneself.

KOYE would go without a simulcast until February 19, 2020 when KTLH 107.

quarrelling and she stopped there to consult him because she didn't want to go without his knowledge and have him be angry with her when he found out.

without such punishment, but no sins committed with willful intentions go without consequence.


hasten; drag; tramp; uprise; do; get around; roam; go down; shuttle; wheel; pan; travel along; pelt along; pace; automobile; take the air; ascend; transfer; plough; creep; meander; ferry; speed; go around; whisk; float; progress; travel by; motor; swim; thread; get about; run; retrograde; go up; lift; come up; drift; rush; be adrift; come down; pass over; belt along; spurt; trail; zoom; journey; march on; go past; career; snowshoe; lurch; taxi; trundle; push; ride; hurtle; lance; drive; swan; bucket along; pass; glide; slither; prance; step; range; go forward; sit; rove; slice into; travel rapidly; descend; advance; retire; recede; billow; angle; hie; stray; pass on; wend; travel purposefully; circle; race; resort; steam; plow; walk; whine; go on; draw; fly; overfly; continue; follow; caravan; island hop; cast; outflank; whoosh; step on it; sift; crank; move around; crawl; arise; pull away; zigzag; displace; tread; jump; swash; accompany; move; cruise; pursue; whistle; slide; shack; locomote; bang; vagabond; propagate; pull back; move back; err; zip; spread; turn; round; seek; change; pass by; forge; circulate; whish; withdraw; cannonball along; hotfoot; wind; swap; return; weave; travel; hiss; breeze; flock; precess; swing; come; hurry; betake oneself; circuit; fall; raft; ramble; tram; rise; bounce; wander; repair; lead; move up; beetle; play; roll; steamer; move on; go by; ease; spirt; carry; derail; ghost; draw back; blow; go through; scramble; surpass; back; wing; retreat; go across; slice through; precede; rush along; proceed; jounce; ski;


rise; recede; ascend; ride; linger; stay in place; precede; descend; go; advance; fall; follow;

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