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good fortune Meaning in Bengali

 জোর কপাল, সৌভাগ্য,


সৌভাগ্য, জোর কপাল,

good fortune's Usage Examples:

expressed the notion of "good fortune" with the word speed (Middle English spede, Old English spēd); speed besides "good fortune" had the wider meaning.

Japanese deities of good fortune.

(Old Norse "luck") refers to two concepts: the personification of the good fortune or luck of an individual or family, the altered appearance of shape-shifters.

2 km) away, prophesying his good fortune leading to the homage "Turn again Whittington, thrice Lord Mayor of London.

of women in the household, and the rituals are related to wishing for good fortune of the family members by presenting them auspicious items and praying.

means auspicious; it is also the name of an ancient Hindu symbol of good fortune.

with the door facing east to welcome the rising sun for wealth and good fortune.

"good fortune") is a Jewish phrase used to express congratulations for a happy and.

type of fairy animal that takes the form of a white pig that brings good fortune to those who manage to catch it.

Prosperity is the flourishing, thriving, good fortune and successful social status.

tortoises would bring longevity to those who are eating it and bring about good fortune and prosperity.

and behaviour; and also experience good fortune and bad fortune, both.

Dainya yogas and Khala yogas affect good fortune and prosperity; They harm people.

California was seen as a lucky place, a land of opportunity and good fortune.

purification, and they are also believed to have the ability to attract vast good fortune.


mischance; even chance; luck; toss-up; chance; phenomenon; hazard; mishap; tossup; bad luck;


victory; conformity; passing; achiever; solvency;

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