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grandiosely Meaning in Bengali

একটি সুবিশাল পদ্ধতিতে

grandiosely's Usage Examples:

founded by Italian artist Lucio Fontana in Milan in 1947 in which he grandiosely intended to synthesize colour, sound, space, movement, and time into.

movie of the same name, Barbarella, to differentiate it from other more grandiosely named rockets.

German war machine already years earlier, and portrayed himself somewhat grandiosely as a major leader.

In the seventeenth-century manuscript, it is called, rather grandiosely, the Chronica regni Siciliae ("Chronicle of the Kingdom of Sicily").

Kinsol Station which, in turn, took its name from a nearby mining venture grandiosely named "King Solomon Mines", a very small mining venture that produced.

their dream of becoming literary figures, although, Shaw, quite more grandiosely.

In the words of architectural historian John Newman, it was later "grandiosely enlarged" by John Marshall, the Bishop of Llandaff between 1478 and 1496.

They can be horribly evil or grandiosely funny but are ultimately tragic.

He also grandiosely likened the encounter to another battle, writing "not an Action during.

the States General of the Netherlands as a ruling King of England and grandiosely entertained, and departed for England on 2 June from Scheveningen on.

a solitary outpost in a neighborhood of death and decay and gangs with grandiosely macabre names.

actually gave Se7en a B− overall and only praised the opening credits so grandiosely: "The credit sequence, with its jumpy frames and near-subliminal flashes.

They can be horribly evil or grandiosely funny, but are ultimately tragic.

grandiosely named "The State Jazz Orchestra of the USSR.

Brandon finally insults Fitch, who then grandiosely challenges him to a duel.

Churches are grandiosely illuminated and decorated, with fireworks being a main event in every.

throughout the ages it was rebuilt many times, each time a little less grandiosely.

the photographer and balloonist Felix Nadar, who had established the grandiosely titled No.

This victory made the belligerent Peshwa, grandiosely sack Delhi and hype their intentions of placing Vishwasrao on the Mughal.

grandiosely's Meaning':

in a grandiose manner

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