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gripes Meaning in Bengali

 পিত্তশূল বেদনা,


পিত্তশূল বেদনা,

gripes's Usage Examples:

Remove the gripes from the lifeboat.

Make sure the gripes preventing bar is free from the track.

humorous songs are mainly about freak childhood accidents and common childhood gripes.

Freefall Romance is the story of a man who gripes to his drinking buddy about his younger brother's gay relationship in Kinsei.

"TV gripes could send viewers online: survey".

com webgripesites.

uk gripes.

tempting to consider that this year's selection committee has heeded such gripes, as only a handful of the directors represented in this year's lineup have.

"Blunt had a clear primary path, despite some tea party gripes".

The formula claimed to aid “infants afflicted with wind, watery gripes, fluxes and other disorders of the stomach and bowels”.

phrases, and the early chapters lack a little pace – but these are minor gripes.

While George gripes about having to spend all day going back and forth between his now separated.

In the meantime, Daffy continually gripes about the fact that he has not been nominated.

One of the major gripes against the Van Rooyen administration was the allocation of venues for the.

Spluttering, Johnny gripes that his bosses don't pay him enough.

Axminster “gripes in general about the cost of staying alive.


pain; griping; intestinal colic; lead colic; hurting; colic; painter"s colic;


pleasure; pleasantness;

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