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gritstones Meaning in Bengali

একটি হার্ড অপকৃষ্টবুনান siliceous বেলেপাথর



gritstones's Usage Examples:

"Millstone Grit" is an informal term for a succession of gritstones which are to be found in the Pennines (including the Peak District) of.

"It is built of the limestone of the neighbourhood, quoined with larger gritstones; and its walls bear a very time-worn appearance.

north and east by a horseshoe-shaped formation of younger sandstones (gritstones) and shales, known as the Dark Peak.

Around thirty small gritstones remain, although there may originally have been around 100; there are.

The situation is rather different on the gritstones of the Eastern Uplands.

well-developed circular ridge of altered and indurated Karroo sandstones (gritstones) rising approximately 500 m above the plain of unaltered Karroo sediments.

and Orton Fells, the range is formed from lower Palaeozoic slates and gritstones.

rock dated to the Carboniferous Period, consisting of coal measures and gritstones.

the county, and are mostly of Carboniferous age, comprising limestones, gritstones, sandstones and shales.

sandstones, particularly the coarser-grained ones are commonly referred to as gritstones or ‘grits’.

alternating layers of mudstones and coarse sandstones (referred to as 'gritstones' or simply 'grits') which were laid down in a delta system in the Carboniferous.

Here the Manifold flows through moorland on sandstone and various gritstones, before a conspicuous change at Hulme End, about 6 miles downstream, when.

The formation is composed of fluvial sediments, mainly gritstones and coarse sandstones.

Building materials vary from soft limestones and sandstones to harder gritstones.

the Derwent valley bottom forms a boundary between the sandstones and gritstones of the Dark Peak to the NE and the limestones of the White Peak to the.

The plateau is formed from coarse sandstones ('gritstones') also dating from the Carboniferous Period and which have foundered in.

underlying geology is the Millstone Grit series with sandstones and coarse gritstones separated by bands of shale.

Hardened, they formed gritstones.

The beds of coal in the Coal Measures are separated by layers of gritstones, sandstones, shales and mudstones of varying thicknesses.

gritstones's Meaning':

a hard coarse-grained siliceous sandstone

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