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grotesqueness Meaning in Bengali

grotesqueness's Usage Examples:

In actuality the "grotesqueness" implied in the term refers to things that are malformed, unnatural.

holds as a sort of inverted Clown, where a balance is struck between grotesqueness and charm.

The grotesqueness in the carnival is seen as the abundance and large amount of food consumed.

baroness (Judith Christin) fluttered about as painted gargoyles, their grotesqueness contrasting sharply with the beauty of the boy's other loves, the dancer.

be called into question, but it does not change anything about the grotesqueness of the character of the poor priest, which the author depicts brilliantly.

and less uncontained than the phallic mother in her undifferentiated grotesqueness.

espoused views of politics, religion, and metaphysics that stressed their grotesqueness and absurdity; in this context, escape from the supposed fraud of such.

faulting Reamy's exposition as "plodding", and "at odds" with the "grotesqueness" of the subject matter.

during the term of his chief-mateship, [he] had built upon her original grotesqueness, and inlaid it, all over, with a quaintness both of material and device.

backwoods New England; for there the dark elements of strength, solitude, grotesqueness, and ignorance combine to form the perfection of the hideous.

language has been described as "organic", an "inventive mixture of grotesqueness and beauty" and "like Butoh with wings".

concludes "Beryl Bainbridge manages plots of escalating comedy and grotesqueness with consummate skill.

Illyro-Roman workmanship that favored decoration that were rude almost to grotesqueness.

knowledge of the wild Australian aboriginal, as it showed them the grotesqueness of an indigenous blackfellow when in full warpaint.

literature, magazines, news articles, and music centered around erotic grotesqueness.

It is a fairlyland of beautiful women, of gauze, of velvet, of grotesqueness, of elegance, of good taste and of bad taste, of details, of learned.

to criticise this film, but simply to rejoice in its wildness, its grotesqueness, its light, taking tunes, a sense of good living that owes nothing to.

an impressive surface of cloths, bright color, dramatic nature and grotesqueness of the images.

may not express violence toward her child with that same degree of grotesqueness, she certainly expresses a sense of brutality when she states that she.


grotesquery; ugliness; grotesquerie;


good; pleasingness; attractiveness; beauty;

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