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grotesquerie Meaning in Bengali

হাস্যকর বা বেমানান অস্বাভাবিকতা বা বিকৃতি

grotesquerie's Usage Examples:

the association with "encrusted dirt, dirt as a deliberate embrace of grotesquerie, a statement of resistance against society, proof of nomadic hardship.

Their work was known for grotesquerie, surrealism and complete uninvolvement with New York art world trends.

he is now best remembered as a writer of humorous verse in a style of grotesquerie and black humour.

Dance Magazine's reviewer noted that Moment Rustica was in the "vein of grotesquerie and humor" and "remarkable more for what it implied than for what it.

David Pringle described the novel as "a giant-insect story, full of grotesquerie and done with verve".

Quote: "A girl named Mae West, hitherto unknown, pleased by her grotesquerie and snappy way of singing and dancing.

" Coover's grotesquerie is evidenced in "In Bed One Night" by the whitehaired lady's explanation.

Weekly commented that "the William Burroughs-influenced squalor and grotesquerie that Delano indulges in constantly have no real payoff" and described.

pleased she seems to be, and It Is good policy; for some of her strokes of grotesquerie are calculated to make any audience laugh its head off.

guys, an atmosphere that flickers between grainy realism and fairy-tale grotesquerie and a grim but irrepressible sense of humor," it left her "thoroughly.

and eroticism along the way" and "doesn't hold back on depicting the grotesquerie of the Wales that Dylan Thomas evoked".

extraordinary, troublesome, sometimes sadistic work that will shock you with its grotesquerie and sexual violence, but also, with a less uneasy tremor, with its disrespect.

synthesis of old and new, classical and popular, often infused with grotesquerie.

Washington Post, observes that despite all the "cinematic aliens' gravid grotesquerie", earthly parasites have more horrible ways of life.

Bateman creates a strange juxtaposition of pathos, comedy and shocking grotesquerie".

grotesquerie's Meaning':

ludicrous or incongruous unnaturalness or distortion


ugliness; grotesquery; grotesqueness;


beauty; attractiveness; pleasingness; good;

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