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gunships Meaning in Bengali



gunships's Usage Examples:

on the AC-130U gunships to be replaced with two 30 mm Mk 44 Bushmaster II cannons.

In 2007, the Air Force modified four AC-130U gunships as test platforms.

These gunships are configured to circle the target instead of performing strafing runs.

On 7 September Troop B, 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment gunships killed 6 PAVN.

northwest of Phước Bình supported by artillery, helicopter gunships and AC-47 and AC-119 gunships.

On 19 February at 07:45 helicopter gunships of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division engaged.

9 VC for 1 US killed and later killed another VC and captured 1 while gunships killed another VC.

nicknamed "Puff, the Magic Dragon") was the first in a series of fixed-wing gunships developed by the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War.

At 11:15 helicopter gunships from the cavalry squadron of the 25th Infantry Division engaged enemy forces.

Fairchild AC-119G Shadow and AC-119K Stinger were twin-engine piston-powered gunships developed by the United States during the Vietnam War.

Due to their heavy armament they are sometimes called helicopter gunships.

On 24 August the ARVN 7th Division supported by artillery, helicopter gunships and artillery engaged an enemy force 12 miles (19 km) northwest of Cai.

helicopters, yet slow to fully explore the possibilities of armed helicopter gunships.

On 18 May gunships from Troop B, 123rd Aviation killed 4 PAVN.

On 19 May gunships from Troop B, 123rd Aviation killed 5 VC.

UH-1B/C gunships were replaced by the new AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter from 1967 to late.

tanks and helicopter gunships.

At 16:40 helicopter gunships of the 2/17th Cavalry.

During the action, a USAF AC-47 Spooky gunship and helicopter gunships supported the base.

squadron supported by helicopter gunships engaged two enemy companies killing 23.

On 25 February helicopter gunships attacked ten PAVN/VC, killing all.

The Boeing AH-6 is a series of light helicopter gunships based on the MH-6 Little Bird and MD 500 family.

The troops engaged the PAVN/VC supported by helicopter gunships and artillery.

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