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hakea Meaning in Bengali

hakea's Usage Examples:

fan-leaved hakea, wedge hakea Hakea florida R.

– emu tree, grass-leaf hakea, bottlebrush hakea Hakea fraseri.

Hakea laurina is shrub or small tree commonly known as kodjet or pin-cushion hakea and is endemic to Western Australia.

Hakea ivoryi , commonly known as Ivory's hakea, corkwood or the corkbark tree, is a shrub or small tree in the family Proteaceae and is endemic to an area.

Hakea francisiana, commonly called the emu tree, grass-leaf hakea or bottlebrush hakea, is a shrub or tree of the genus Hakea native to Western Australia.

Hakea ruscifolia, commonly known as the candle hakea, is a shrub in the family Proteacea.

Hakea ceratophylla, commonly known as the horned leaf hakea, is a shrub in the family) Proteaceae and is endemic to the southwest of Western Australia.

Hakea victoria, commonly known as royal hakea and lantern hakea, is a shrub endemic to Western Australia and noted for its ornamental foliage.

Hakea cinerea, commonly known as ashy or grey hakea, is a shrub in the family Proteaceae native to areas along the south coast in the Goldfields-Esperance.

Hakea ulicina, commonly known as furze hakea, is a shrub in the family Proteaceae, native to Australia.

Hakea flabellifolia, commonly known as the fan-leaved hakea or wedge hakea, is a shrub in the family Proteacea.

Hakea orthorrhyncha, commonly known as bird beak hakea, is a shrub which is endemic to the Murchison River area of Western Australia.

Hakea drupacea, commonly known as sweet scented hakea, is a tree or shrub which is native to south west Western Australia.

Hakea petiolaris, commonly known as the sea-urchin hakea, is a shrub or small tree with cream-coloured and pink or purple flowers and woody fruit.

Hakea mitchellii, commonly known as desert hakea, is a shrub species in the family Proteaceae.

Hakea undulata, commonly known as wavy-leaved hakea, is a shrub that is native to the south-west of Western Australia.

Hakea brownii commonly known fan-leaf hakea is a shrub in the family Proteaceae native to an area in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia.

Hakea arborescens, commonly known as the common hakea or the yellow hakea, is a shrub or tree of the genus Hakea native to parts of northern Australia.

Hakea leucoptera, commonly known as silver needlewood, needle hakea, pin bush or water tree and as booldoobah in Koori language, is a shrub or small tree.


Hakea leucoptera; needlewood; pincushion hakea; needlebush; needle-wood; Proteaceae; family Proteaceae; needle wood; cushion flower; magnoliopsid genus; needle-bush; Hakea laurina; Hakea lissosperma; needle bush; protea family; genus Hakea; dicot genus;

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