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half board Meaning in Bengali

 হাফ বোর্ড,


হাফ বোর্ড,

half board's Usage Examples:

dinner (full pension / full board) or the preceding minus the lunch (half board / demi-pension / half pension).

It also has a refectory and offers bed and breakfast or half board options.

whether to go full board (all meals would also be included in the price), half board (only the main meal would be included) or self-catering (no meals provided).

adjoining Holyrood Park to the east, provides accommodation (mainly half board) for a minority of students in their first year.

1200, with a combination of chalets and caravans, and self-catering and half board holidays.

At the Auberge Ravoux, Vincent paid 3 francs 50 a day, half board, and rented room 5, a tiny attic room measuring 75 square feet (7.

opponent's half board is not empty, its contents are captured and removed from the game.

If both the opposite hole and that behind it in the opponent's half board.

or self-catering accommodations, as well as hotel accommodations on a half board or full board basis.


30 minutes; hr; unit of time; hour; 60 minutes; time unit;


sunset; sunrise;

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