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half done Meaning in Bengali

 অর্ধকৃত, আধখেঁচড়া,



half done's Usage Examples:

("He who has begun is half done; dare to know; begin!") The phrase is the moral to a story in which a.

construct a holding pond in Navade near Devdrishti apartment but left it half done after some works.

security of them, against their absconding again and leaving their work half done.

absolutely determined to make a lawyer of yourself the thing is more than half done already.

5m bypass 'a job half done'".

in my life though the Outside was burnt black and the middle was not half done".

the members double-crossing each other, but finds his work is already half done thanks to that missing lottery ticket.

about two years of work, he felt that the rewrite was still less than half done, and he threw the new code away and rewrote it again in his original programming.

wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs sweater under his half done-up jacket.

We got the first half done in May in New York, so half of it is pretty strong and done.

Around that time, White wrote to James Thurber that he was "about half done" with the book; however, he did not finish it until the winter of 1944-1945.

The job is only half done if you don't get down again".


30 minutes; hr; unit of time; hour; 60 minutes; time unit;


sunset; sunrise;

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