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harmed Meaning in Bengali

 ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত, অপকৃত,


খোয়ার, অত্যাহিত, নিছনি, ব্যসন, উপঘাত, অপকর্ম, অশ্রেয়, অশুভ, অগুণ, অনর্থ, অপকৃতি, অহিত, অপায়, তছরুপ, তসরূফ, খারাবি, নৈতিক ক্ষতি, অপকার, অনিষ্ট, ক্ষতি,


ঘা দেত্তয়া, শয়তানি করা, অপকার করা, অহিত করা, হিংসা করা, ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত করা, ক্ষতি করা,

harmed's Usage Examples:

benefit nor are harmed.

This is in contrast with mutualism, in which both organisms benefit from each other; amensalism, where one is harmed while the other.

Manifesto threatened that if the French royal family were harmed, then French civilians would be harmed.

they will be directly harmed by the conditions for which they are asking the court for relief.

The party is not directly harmed by the conditions by which.

For this reason, both dryads and gods would punish mortals who harmed trees.

cause harm in an average of one person who would not otherwise have been harmed.


The proportion of the adolescents who self-harmed over.

Carolina, felt they were harmed directly by having to pay more for imports from Europe.

Allegedly, the South was also harmed indirectly because reducing.

However, plants that thrive in drier areas can be harmed by flooding, as the plants can become stressed by the large amount of water.

Especially since two military coups in 1987 harmed Fiji's relationship with other countries, with two more coups in 2000 and.

at high speed, imparting great kinetic energy without themselves being harmed.

account the following day, citing "a pattern of egregious actions [that] harmed the broader community".

were thrown into the thistles and briar, while those who danced were not harmed.

were caught in the crossfire between the Taliban and security forces were harmed.

such that the cattle of the sun god Hyperion would have done if they were harmed by any man, as in Homer's Odyssey.

though the fishing conditions and local water supply were not extensively harmed by the change in conditions.

its shade, rewarding those who cared for the tree and punishing any who harmed it.

the impact of a hazard or exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally: "we were in a vulnerable position".

In contrast, obligate anaerobes can be harmed by reactive oxygen molecules.

false claims made by the website is the assertion that "No Armenians were harmed" during the deportation of Armenian intellectuals on 24 April 1915.


dislocation; unhealthiness; lesion; health problem; strain; burn; wound; welt; cryopathy; whiplash; sting; pull; frostbite; pinch; penetrating trauma; blast trauma; birth trauma; intravasation; wheal; wrench; hurt; bruise; bleeding; weal; electric shock; ill health; injury; trauma; bump; twist; haemorrhage; bite; blunt trauma; rupture; fracture; hemorrhage; contusion; brain damage; wale; break; whiplash injury; insect bite; penetrating injury;


conform to; continue; validate; enliven; good health;

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