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hatless Meaning in Bengali




hatless's Usage Examples:

Las Sinsombrero (Spanish for "hatless women") were a group of female thinkers and artists in the Generation of '27.

 a young man [King Edward VIII] lands hatless from the air".

com/hatless/ https://citizenlab.

A group of five USAF officers volunteered to stand hatless in their light summer uniforms underneath the blast to prove that the weapon.

the Melbourne Cup Carnival in Australia in 1965 by attending Derby Day hatless, bare legged and in a short summer frock, she returned three days later.

He replied to the insult which left him hatless by drawing his sword and again throwing himself into the assault.

hat off and gives it to a female dancer, performing the rest of the song hatless.

moustache and hat, stands immediately behind; to the left, behind him, hatless, is illustrator John Tenniel.

Ironically, Kennedy delivered his forceful inaugural address hatless, reinforcing the image of vigor he desired to project, and setting the.

valleys, they made him walk, at the point of a bayonet, two hundred miles, hatless in the burning Balkan sun.

missed!" The right side of the screen irises open to reveal a scorched, hatless Sam shot in the head by Bugs' wayward blast, and Sam grumbles: "I hate.

Men of the upper classes often went hatless.

Because she is married, she cannot return home hatless without being compromised, and Tavernier orders Fadinard to replace the.

In the previous painting, the center player as well as the boy were hatless, whereas this version has all the men hatted.

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