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heaped Meaning in Bengali

 গাদা করা, পুঁজিভূত করা, পাঁজা করা, পাঁজা করিয়া সাজান, টাল করা, টাল দেত্তয়া, স্তূপাকার করা, স্তূপে পরিণত করা, স্তূপাকার হত্তয়া, জড় করা, জমান,

heaped's Usage Examples:

In contrast, a heaped, heaping, or rounded spoonful is not leveled off, and includes a heap above the spoon.

The exact volume of a heaped tablespoon depends.

A mound is a heaped pile of earth, gravel, sand, rocks, or debris.

volumes of the dry measures apparently arose because they were based on heaped rather than "struck" (leveled) containers.

Cumulonimbus (from Latin cumulus, "heaped" and nimbus, "rainstorm") is a dense, towering vertical cloud, forming from water vapor carried by powerful upward.

Altocumulus (From Latin Altus, "high", cumulus, "heaped") is a middle-altitude cloud genus that belongs mainly to the stratocumuliform physical category.

from naimo = "herbal medicine", na = "black", nyi = "heaped-up slabs", giving "the mountain of heaped-up slabs of black herbal medicine.

this section of the country have been so long, so unsparingly, so cruelly heaped upon the Church.

The áss (god) Loki, jealous of the praise being heaped upon them, suddenly kills Fimafeng, causing the Aesir to expel him from.

Some images of tropaion show many weapons and shields heaped below the armor hoisted upon the monument.

The frass is heaped in an angle of the mine.

around the bodies of their dead leaders, ceremonially burned the houses, and heaped up mounds over the ruins of the houses.

Myth Lugal-e describes the abundance of the Hursag: ”I, a warrior have heaped up be Hursag, and be you its owner!” -At once, by Ninurta’s decree, thus.

or two broccoli spears or four heaped tablespoons of cooked kale, spinach, spring greens or green beans; or three heaped tablespoons of cooked vegetables;.

The name means “heaped head”.

In Hinduism, sanchita karma (heaped together) is one of the three kinds of karma.

tons of weight have fallen, on each side large masses of detached rock are heaped together in wild confusion, apparently arrested in their descent, and threatening.

In 1963, the spoil tip was heaped up with materials of the pit 5/9, i.

the 2012 Quebec election, Snyder hosted a Parti Québécois rally where she heaped praise on the party leader, Pauline Marois.

Pieces of the glass are heaped around jets of burning gas, or around liquid ethanol, in order to conceal.


funeral pyre; mound; pyre; woodpile; compost heap; shock; aggregation; accumulation; cumulus; compost pile; cumulation; muckheap; slagheap; midden; scrapheap; agglomerate; dunghill; collection; assemblage; pile; stockpile; stack; muckhill;


misfortune; success; good fortune; good luck; refrain;

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