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hectoring Meaning in Bengali


তর্জন-গর্জন করিয়া কর্তৃত্ব জাহির করা, যে ব্যক্তি তর্জন-গর্জন করিয়া জাহির করে,

hectoring's Usage Examples:

interpersonal communication, is repetitious behaviour in the form of pestering, hectoring, harassing, or otherwise continuously urging an individual to complete.

In addition, switching to all caps may make text appear hectoring and obnoxious for cultural reasons, since all-capitals is often used in.

typical advertising practices of the early 1950s, which featured loud and hectoring voices and blatantly exaggerated print.

hospital, supposedly to provide comfort and love, but really to continue her hectoring and manipulation of him.

poetical fancy more than that of Cleveland, who was then accounted the "hectoring prince of poets," fell into the hands of the satyrical wits of this university.

politics, and fanciful put-on", and The New York Times called it "glib, hectoring, oblique", and said that it appeals primarily to urban professionals "who.

"[I]t's refreshing to hear Public Enemy frontman Chuck D's stentorian voice hectoring, indicting, and pontificating on New Whirl Odor like it was 1989 all over.

" Trouser Press called the EP "fast, loud and hectoring," writing that "more than the sound itself, the attitude and sheer energy.

border and that has been described by Stuart Bailie as "political but not hectoring".

presumably a Trinitarian reference, but in musical terms it just felt hectoring.

Caused by Fight for women's suffrage Methods Demonstrations, marches, hectoring politicians Resulted in 300–400 women march to the House of Commons Parties.

reputation can comfortably rest", but noted that its tone can be "loud and hectoring", and conceded that the basic premise of Vexvelt being shunned for a reason.

"Venice Biennale 2015, International Art Exhibition, review: 'hectoring and joyless'".

honest; Mjipa being stiff-necked and duty-driven, and Alicia strong-willed, hectoring and opinionated.

superbly rendered while the content strikes just the right note: neither hectoring or patronising.

various publishers, her detailed responses to editors' suggestions, her hectoring assertions of her beliefs.

reliever Anacin, playing a harried husband with a headache, yelling at his hectoring wife, "Helen, please, I just got home.

Lee have a way of mistaking hectoring, nagging and all-out nastiness for the stuff of which sparks are made.

But it is Jernigan's voice, the hectoring, profane, desperate voice with which he tells the story of his fall, that.

But her shrill, hectoring tone does her no favours.


tyrannise; bully; bullyrag; strong-arm; boss around; tyrannize; ballyrag; browbeat; domineer; push around; intimidate;


bad; forceless; encourage;

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