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heliozoan Meaning in Bengali

গোলাকার সংস্থা এবং শক্ত দীপক pseudopods সঙ্গে প্রটোজোয়া

heliozoan's Usage Examples:

Ciliophrys alternates between a mobile flagellate stage and a heliozoan feeding stage, where the body is contracted with extended axopods all.

The gymnosphaerids (or Gymnosphaerida) are a small group of heliozoan protists found in marine environments.

The centrohelids or centroheliozoa are a large group of heliozoan protists.

The Heliomonadida (formerly Dimorphida) are a small group of heliozoan amoeboids that are unusual in possessing flagella throughout their life cycle.

related to the Chrysophyceae, Dinophyceae, or Cryptophyceae Recently, the heliozoan Actinophyrida was moved to the group.

It is generally considered a heliozoan, placed in its own order, called the Taxopodida.

Clathrulina elegans is a species of heliozoan eukaryotes in the order Desmothoracida, which are a group of organisms usually sessile and found in freshwater.

"Food capture and ingestion in the large heliozoan, Echinosphaerium nucleofilum".

Order Desmothoracida, the desmothoracids, are a group of heliozoan protists, usually sessile and found in freshwater environments.

Like most heliozoans, Raphidiophrys species can capture prey using their axopodia.

Introduction, with new records of ciliates and a heliozoan".

heliomonads/dimorphids, the stramenopile pedinellids and ciliophryids) have a flagellate/heliozoan organization.

well as distinctive shorter club-shaped ones, so that it resembles a heliozoan.

which lacks an internal skeleton and was for long time considered a heliozoan.

(b) An organism with a spherical body plan (Actinophrys sol – a heliozoan).

associated with hosts Paramecium bursaria, coelenterate Hydra viridis, or the heliozoan Acanthocystis turfacea.

(incertae sedis) from the northwestern Pacific Ocean Clathrulina elegans, a heliozoan species (Clathrulinidae) found in freshwater environments Castanidium.

heliozoan's Meaning':

protozoa with spherical bodies and stiff radiating pseudopods

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