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hematites Meaning in Bengali


মূল্যবান্ আকরিক লৌহবিশেষ,

hematites's Usage Examples:

fragments of ground stone axes, two bored stones, one grooved stone, rubbed hematites and many potsherds.

coloring materials, such as yellow ochre, pencils, pieces of red and brown hematites and ochres, were found.

depressions, still impregnated with red colour, and as colouring substances, hematites, ocre, oligist iron.

Rudnitsky opened the Khalilovsky field hematites.

past presence of water on the planet, and weathering mineral such as hematites, lamellar silicates, sulphate hydrates and perchlorate.

The ores, which had not yet been worked, were brown and red hematites with an average of 50% iron.

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