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hepta Meaning in Bengali


hepta's Usage Examples:

decatohecto- shodasham- 17 septendec- septenden- septendecim- hepta(kai)deca-, decahepta- hepta(kai)decakis-, decaheptakis- etc.

Seven Books (Greek: Ἐπιτομῆς Ἰατρικῆς βιβλία ἑπτά, Epitomes iatrikes biblia hepta).

A prefix of the same value, hepta, derived from the Greek ἑπτά (hepta) seven, was informally introduced a few years before the.

can be called a hepteract, a portmanteau of tesseract (the 4-cube) and hepta for seven (dimensions) in Greek.

Erart's poetry is his preference for short lines, mostly penta-, hexa-, hepta-, and octosyllabic, as opposed to the traditional decasyllable, which does.

"sept-" (an elision of septua-, a Latin-derived numerical prefix, rather than hepta-, a Greek-derived numerical prefix; both are cognate) together with the.

Dugesia hepta is a species of freshwater triclad endemic to Sardinia.

For example, 3-methyl-hexa-1,5-diene heated to 300 °C yields hepta-1,5-diene.

normal humidity) are: Tricalcium aluminate, 3CaO·Al2O3 (C3A) Dodecacalcium hepta-aluminate, 12CaO·7Al2O3 (C12A7) (once known as mayenite) Monocalcium aluminate.

Andrews' Transylvanian bird", after the namer of Elopteryx, and Ancient Greek hepta (ἑπτά) "seven" + asty (άστυ) "city" + ornis (όρνις) "bird"; the Latin septum.

A heptalogy (from Greek ἑπτα- hepta-, "seven" and -λογία -logia, "discourse"), also known as a septology, is a compound literary or narrative work that.

Dermorphin is a hepta-peptide first isolated from the skin of South American frogs belonging to the genus Phyllomedusa.

The name heptagram combines a numeral prefix, hepta-, with the Greek suffix -gram.

The term 'Heptarchy' (from the Greek ἑπταρχία, 'heptarchia'; from ἑπτά, 'hepta': "seven"; ἀρχή, 'arche': "reign, rule" and the suffix -ία, '-ia') alludes.

The name Heptapteridae is derived from Greek, hepta meaning seven and pteron meaning fin.

tettares tetartos five fifth pente pemptos six sixth hex hektos seven seventh hepta hebdomos eight eighth okto ogdoös nine ninth ennea enatos ten tenth deka.

Dodecacalcium hepta-aluminate (12CaO·7Al2O3, Ca12Al14O33 or C12A7) is an inorganic solid that occurs rarely in nature as the mineral mayenite.

These natural products are cyclic hexa- or hepta depsipeptides produced by various members of the genus of bacteria Streptomyces.

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