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hereabouts Meaning in Bengali

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এখানে কোথাত্ত,

hereabouts's Usage Examples:

the red-petalled alpenrose (Rhododendron ferrugineum) that is common hereabouts.

of various sizes; the Bronx Community Club still includes women from hereabouts, as well as from Pinedale and Cora.

its midst, or perhaps it was built as the Chapel of the Priory founded hereabouts in the 12th century by Lord of Montgomery, Robert de Buthlers.

Small Pox, have died; whereas out of sixty one which have been inoculated hereabouts, not one has died .

was built the rocky Bodinbo Island was a prominent feature in the river hereabouts and a hazard to shipping, especially sailing craft in the dark, during.

The country hereabouts has a more agreeable appearance, being better wooded with beech and cypress.

We may suspect that an estate hereabouts {in the barony of Tirawley} passed like Castlebar from a de Barry to a.

aburnin' of the houses and the barns and the crops, an' how the Folks hereabouts came a-rampagin and a-shootin' of them.

of the Saône et Loire and the Ain, is a race apart from other mankind hereabouts.

a wicked-eyed old hypocrite, such a beloved old rip has not been seen hereabouts for many a moon.

the valley), which have a completely different appearance, are known hereabouts as the Mürzsteg Alps or Mürz Hills (Mürzberge).

Pegwell Bay to commemorate the first Anglo-Saxon landings in England hereabouts.

The land hereabouts is a floodplain of the rivers and streams.

All the farm houses and buildings hereabouts were burned during the massacre and the one on April 30, 1758.

The village's great age makes itself known in the many legends told hereabouts.

tradition that Julius Caesar crossed the Thames by way of an ancient ford hereabouts, and that in later Christian times a holy man or hermit lived at the end.

He heard about the bottles hereabouts and that she had quit throwing them, and he had taken to wandering the.

to be blown away alongside him, to be freed saying "the way things are hereabouts, one of 'em's probably Lord Canning.



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