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heterodynes Meaning in Bengali



heterodynes's Usage Examples:

The new signal frequencies are called heterodynes.

Typically, only one of the heterodynes is required and the other signal is filtered out.

languages with a separate quantitative element can make substantial use of heterodynes, and people primarily refer to the poetry of classical languages when.

characteristics are used to mix two frequencies of laser light to create optical heterodynes.

The simplest form of product detector mixes (or heterodynes) the RF or IF signal with a locally derived carrier (the Beat Frequency.

detector stage of the receiver, this creates two other frequencies or heterodynes: |fIF − fBFO|, and |fIF + fBFO|.

in the signal stay separate and do not mix, creating new frequencies (heterodynes).

parasitic oscillations mixed with the carrier wave in the detector, creating heterodynes (beat notes) in the audio frequency range, which were heard as annoying.

There will be many mixer products (heterodynes).

the radio signal in the detector tube, producing audible beat notes (heterodynes); annoying whistles, moans, and howls in the speaker.

This produced audible heterodynes, shrieks and howls, in other nearby receivers tuned to the same frequency.

This moogerfooger heterodynes the dry audio signal with a carrier wave that is generated by an internal.

of the sound heard coming from the radios went higher and resulted in heterodynes.

These new frequencies are called heterodynes.

The IF section further amplifies the signal and heterodynes it down to 150 MHz, passing a bandwidth of 200 MHz to the spectrometer.


combine; compound;


disintegrate; take away; analyze;

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