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hexaploid Meaning in Bengali



hexaploid শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

γαμετή থেকে গ্যামেটে থেকে গ্যামিন অর্থ "বিয়ে করা" ) হল একটি হ্যাপ্লয়ড কোষ যা অন্য হ্যাপ্লয়ড কোষের সঙ্গে একীভূত হয়ে নিষিক্তকরণের মাধ্যমে প্রাণীর যৌন প্রজনন ।

প্রাচীন গ্রিক: ζῷον ( "জীবন্ত") থেকে) হল একটি সচল শুক্রাণু কোষ বা চলন্ত হ্যাপ্লয়ড সেল যা পুরুষ যৌন কোষ ।

জননকোষগুলোর টিকে থাকার যোগ্যতা একেকটার একেক রকম হতে পারে, আবার বিভিন্ন হ্যাপ্লয়ড জননকোষের মাঝে মায়োটিক তাড়নার মত আন্তঃজিনোমিক সংঘাতের ফলে “জননকোষীয় ।

hexaploid's Usage Examples:

total), but others are tetraploid (four sets, 28 chromosomes total), hexaploid (six sets, 42 chromosomes total), octoploid (eight sets, 56 chromosomes.

of chromosomes) with the common name of durum or macaroni wheat, and hexaploid (six sets of chromosomes) with the common name of bread wheat.

pasta and less practical for flour, which requires more work than with hexaploid wheats like common bread wheats.

The tetraploids showed little promise, but hexaploid triticale was successful enough to find commercial application.

Like common wheat, it is a hexaploid wheat, which means it has six sets of chromosomes.

chromosomes came from their octoploid strawberry parent, and three from their hexaploid Comarum parent.

As far as can be told, all Labeobarbus species are hexaploid.

(2 sets), triploid (3 sets), tetraploid (4 sets), pentaploid (5 sets), hexaploid (6 sets), heptaploid or septaploid (7 sets), etc.

Previously, geneticists had made little progress with common wheat, a hexaploid whose mostly triplicated genes tend to mask each other.

Triticum zhukovskyi, or Zhukovsky's wheat, is a hexaploid wheat, very closely resembling the Triticum timopheevii, a tetraploid variety of wheat.

[citation needed] The oldest evidence for hexaploid wheat has been confirmed through DNA analysis of wheat seeds, dating to.

relatives – the genus Barbus proper –, but closer still to the large hexaploid species nowadays separated in Labeobarbus.

origin Putative Actinidia chinensis and other Actinidia species Polyploid (hexaploid) 2n=6x=174 Atkinson et al.

It is a fertile hexaploid, arising as a species by doubling of its chromosome number from a hybrid.

obliqua is either tetraploid or hexaploid, depending on their slight differences in morphology and localities.

It is a hexaploid (2n=54) that usually reproduces by apomixis.

Like the closely related yellowfish, it is hexaploid.

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