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hibernating Meaning in Bengali

 শীতযাপন করা,

hibernating's Usage Examples:

In cardiology, hibernating myocardium is a state when some segments of the myocardium exhibit abnormalities of contractile function.

Brown adipose tissue is especially abundant in newborns and in hibernating mammals.

advanced alien civilizations may be storing energy and aestivating (hibernating in times of heat instead of cold), until the universe cools to better.

The word 驚蟄 means the awakening of hibernating insects.

驚 is to startle and 蟄 means hibernating insects.

A 127 metre long tunnel from one of these chalk pits is used by hibernating bats, and it is one of the largest underground roosts known in Britain.

certification) hibernating IEEE 802.

1 Local Multipoint Distribution Service hibernating IEEE 802.

2 Coexistence wireless access hibernating IEEE 802.

These former chalk mines are used by hibernating bats and the site has been monitored over a long period for research.

modified in hibernating animals to be much more temperature sensitive than it is in euthermic animals.

FBPase in the liver of a hibernating bat showed.

white admiral butterfly also only mature halfway as a caterpillar before hibernating for the winter.

These disused railway tunnels are the fifth most important sites for hibernating bats in Britain and the most important in south-east England.

widespread but uncommon across the Korean Peninsula, and spends the winter hibernating in caves.

bomb-shaped casing with over a thousand compartments, each containing a hibernating Mexican free-tailed bat with a small, timed incendiary bomb attached.

myocardial stunning must also be differentiated from other conditions such as hibernating myocardium and persistent (silent) subendocardial ischemia, which can.

It is a small diurnal and non-hibernating mammal weighing about 140 g when fully grown.

Based on a 1985 census of hibernating bats, the Indiana bat population is estimated around 244,000.

as a hibernaculum which it then secures to the stem with silk before hibernating.

consume a wider range of food items in the winter months, including small hibernating bats.

when the streams run dry, a behaviour possibly parallel to the winter hibernating behaviours of turtles further north.


asleep; dormant; torpid;


conscious; erect; active; awake;

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