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hibiscuses Meaning in Bengali


গোলাপ গাছ, গোলাপ ফুল,

hibiscuses's Usage Examples:

wish-fulfilling Kalpavriksha and the Parijata and sweet-scented flowers such as hibiscuses, roses, hyacinths, freesias, magnolias, gardenias, jasmines, and honeysuckles.

waimeae are the only Hawaiian hibiscuses that have white flowers.

heavenly river hanging in heaven, Its green water embroidering cotton rose hibiscuses.

areas during summer months; species include banana plants, elephant ears, hibiscuses, and oleanders growing above a groundcover of coleus and ornamental sweet.

(Mahamayuri), Tokyo National Museum, 2009, retrieved May 19, 2009 Red and white hibiscuses, Tokyo National Museum, 2009, retrieved May 19, 2009 Sixteen arhats, Tokyo.

An Anzac Arbor Day took place in May 1916, when five hibiscuses (Hibiscus spp.


genus Hibiscus; shoe black; cotton rose; swamp mallow; Hibiscus sabdariffa; shoeblack plant; flowers-of-an-hour; purau; common rose mallow; China rose; Confederate rose; roselle; Jamaica sorrel; bimli hemp; balibago; mahoe; deccan hemp; swamp rose mallow; Hibiscus rosa-sinensis; Chinese hibiscus; bimli; Indian hemp; rose of Sharon; Hibiscus syriacus; rose mallow; Rose of China; Confederate rose mallow; Hibiscus elatus; Hibiscus trionum; rozelle; Cuban bast; majagua; Hibiscus cannabinus; sorrel tree; black-eyed Susan; Hibiscus mutabilis; flower-of-an-hour; kanaf; Hibiscus moscheutos; mahagua; sorrel; bladder ketmia; kenaf; Hibiscus heterophyllus; blue mahoe; mallow; red sorrel; Hibiscus tiliaceus; Bombay hemp;



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