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high command Meaning in Bengali




high command's Usage Examples:

who held office as Chief of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW), the high command of Nazi Germany's Armed Forces, during the Second World War.

 'Upper Command of the Air Force'), was the high command of the Luftwaffe.

Oberkommando der Marine (OKM), translated as High Command of the Navy or Upper Command of the Navy, was the high command and the highest administrative and command.

The plan was intended to mislead the German high command as to the time and place of the invasion.

was subordinated to the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH), the German army high command, and coordinated the operations of attached separate army corps, reserve.


direction; commandment; order; behest; bidding; dictation; commission; speech act; charge; countermand; open sesame; injunction; bid;


antinode; node; end; beginning; middle;

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