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hirsute Meaning in Bengali

 কেশিক, কেশে আবৃত, লোমশ,


কেশে আবৃত, কেশিক,

hirsute শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

কালো বলে দাবি করা হয়েছিল এবং থ্রেসিরা দাবি করেছিল যে তারা ফ্যাকাশে ও লাল কেশিক

hirsute's Usage Examples:

insulin resistant hyperinsulinemic) women are at high risk of becoming hirsute.

[citation needed] In plants, indumentum types include: pubescent hirsute pilose lanate villous tomentose stellate scabrous scurfy The indumentum.

The Handlebar Club humorously describes the style as "a hirsute appendage of the upper lip and with graspable extremities".

org/blog/ubuntu-mate-hirsute-hippo-final-release/ Smith, Jesse (9 May 2016).

Pentateucha inouei, the Taiwanese hirsute hawkmoth, is a species of moth of the family Sphingidae.

Pentateucha stueningi, the Chinese hirsute hawkmoth, is a species of moth of the family Sphingidae.

leaves are pinnately dissected and coarsely hirsute.

The flowering stems are slender, often arcuate, hirsute.

Pentateucha curiosa, the hirsute hawkmoth, is a moth of the family Sphingidae.

It was first isolated from Dioscorea hirsute (synonymous with Dioscorea hirsuta) by Boorsma in 1894 and obtained in.

indicum, commonly known as Indian heliotrope, Indian Turnsole is an annual, hirsute plant that is a common weed in waste places and settled areas.

Their hirsute stems are square in cross-section and their heart-shaped leaves have an.

The club's sole requirement for membership is "a hirsute appendage of the upper lip and with graspable extremities"; beards are.

Gaylussacia mosieri, the hirsute huckleberry or woolly huckleberry, is a plant species native to the coastal plains of the southeastern United States.


hispid; comose; dark-haired; wiry; wire-haired; short-haired; furred; long-haired; sericeous; wooly-haired; dark-coated; velvety-furred; wooly; canescent; tomentous; comal; puberulent; curly-coated; woolly-haired; wiry-coated; thick-haired; stiff-haired; pappose; glossy-coated; floccose; smooth-haired; glossy-haired; haired; furry; shock-headed; velvety-haired; fuzzy; pilous; soft-haired; pubescent; curly-haired; furlike; snake-haired; comate; silver-haired; lanate; tomentose; downy; rough-haired; coarse-haired; hoary; hairy; pilary; coarse-furred; silky-haired; woolly; glossy-furred; fuzzed; pilose;


young; unalarming; hard; clearheaded; hairless;

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