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hoary plantain Meaning in Bengali


শুক্ল কলা,

hoary plantain's Usage Examples:

Plantago media, known as the hoary plantain, is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae.

Bird's-foot-trefoil, dwarf thistle, small scabious (Scabiosa columbaria) and hoary plantain (Plantago media).

Other plants include hoary plantain, scarlet pimpernel, bent grass, yellow-wort and autumn gentian.

North facing slopes have many mosses and herbs, such as hoary plantain and germander speedwell.

clustered bell-flower Campanula glomerata, cowslip Primula veris, hoary plantain Plantago media, salad burnet Sanguisorba minor and lady’s bedstraw Galium.

Flowers include hoary plantain, rough hawkbit and oxlip.

Plantago virginica, common names hoary plantain and Virginia plantain, is a plant found in North America.

Yellow-rattle, common spotted-orchid, sneezewort, cowslip and hoary plantain are also recorded.

frequent salad burnet (Sanguisorba minor), upright brome (Bromus erectus), hoary plantain (Plantago media) and rough hawkbit (Leontodon hispidus).

spotted orchid salad burnet greater knapweed yellow rattle fairy flax hoary plantain field scabious "Designated Sites View: Fognam Chalk Quarry".

adder’s-tongue fern, cowslip, hoary plantain, yellow rattle and betony.

purple moor-grass bee orchid fragrant orchid cowslip hoary plantain betony The special wetland.

Species recorded include cowslip, hoary plantain, common dog-violet and meadow vetchling, which are meadow varieties.

The hoary plantain is primarily wind pollinated, but is also visited by insects which pollinate.

alongside sheep's fescue and meadow oat-grass, grow rough hawkbit, hoary plantain, purging flax, thyme, glaucous sedge, yellow oat, quaking grass and.

bedstraw, wild basil, eyebright, salad burnet, common milkwort and hoary plantain.

greater plantain† Plantago maritima, sea plantain* Plantago media, hoary plantain† Plantago moorei, Moore's plantain* Scrophulariaceae Limosella australis.


Plantago virginica; plantain;


young; junior; inexperienced; immature; future;

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